Friday, June 19, 2009

Chocolate Bread

Look at our friends blogs they made breads..I also want to make bread...don't want to miss out the thrill I usual always CHOCOLATE!..everywhere and anywhere..till death do us apart..huhu

11/4 cups water
2 tsp dry yeast or 1 tbsp fresh yeast
1/3 cup Castor sugar
31/2 cup + 3 tbsp high protein flour
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1 tsp salt
1 tsp bread softener(optional)
1 tsp bread improver(optional)
2 tbsp butter (I used shortening)
3 oz semisweet chocolate chopped(I used chocolate chips)
Mix a bit of sugar in water and add in yeast. Leave it for a while till bubbles are foamed.
(After this I just put everything into my bread machine and let it do its job..after the first beep then I add in the chocolate chips)..Add flour, cocoa powder, sugar, salt, bread softener & bread improver in mixing bowl.Add in the yeast mixture into flour and knead well. Add in butter in dough and knead till not sticky to the fingers. Add in chocolate chips and knead again. Let the dough proof till double in size. After that knead again and separate dough to preference pattern. Let rest again till it double in size again. Brush the top dough with milk and sprinkle some sugar before baking. Bake at 200 degrees Celsius for 10-15 minutes. When ready cover bread with cloth till cool and place in a plastic container.
Sources:-From Koleksi Resipi Pilihan Diana.

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