Thursday, June 11, 2009

Pucuk Ubi Masak Lemak Padi

Asyik lemak apa lagi lauk yang tak pakai santan ya?...mostly Malay's dish mesti pakai santan..kalau tak , pakai susu, asal berlemak...pucuk ubi, ni beli pun hari tu, beli 1 ikat aje..banyak2 nanti tak habis, budak2 mana makan sayur ni..alangkan sayur biasa tu tak makan inikan daun ni...sekali2 OK lah makan sayur ni..selalu makan perut sebuuu...aje..banyak 'buang' angin...hehehe


  1. Love your recipes, haven't try it yet but i'm preety sure it's amazing.

  2. zurina - thank you for dropping by & the try and hope you like it..:-)


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