Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ayam Lemak Padi

This dish was the same one that I served that day during the buffet some it is quite hot, but my boys can take this. Iqram's favourite dish..,  his eyes will be rounder when he hears I cooked this dish..

Lemak cili padi dish I think was origin from the some people they have their own style of cooking this dish. Some would fry the chickens first and then put in the blended cili padi... I learnt how to cook this from my  cousin's wife who was from Negeri Sembilan..yummy!!

Ingredients:-(1 family)
1 whole chicken wash cleaned(with lime) and cut to 12 pieces
20-25 cili padi (if want hotter can add) blended
1cm fresh turmeric root (if dont have can use powder)blended
2-3 lemongrass crushed
tarmarind juice or asam gelugur or 2 pcs tamarind slice
1-2 turmeric leaves (tear to big pieces) or some kaffir leaves-(optional)
1 small packet coconut milk
1-2 potatoes cut to halves (optional)
salt to taste

Put pieces of chicken,blended cili padi, lemongrass,turmeric leaves and turmeric in cooking pot. Put on heat and stir. Let the ingredients stand marinated while on the flame. Add in coconut milk and water. Let it boil for a while then add potatoes. When potatoes are cooked then add in tarmarind juice. Put salt and msg to taste. If the gravy too thick add more water. Let boil a while more before off the heat. Serve hot.

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