Friday, July 10, 2009

Bendi Masak Asam Rebus

Veggies cum gravy dish..2 in 1..boiled water, add in some chili paste, minced onions minced dried shrimp or ikan bilis cube, dried tamarind pulp, some sugar salt and MSG to taste. When all the ingredients have been boiled, add in lady's fingers and let it boiled till cook. You can substitute the chili paste to minced red chillies.


  1. Sedap pulak bendi rebus ni Kak Ayu... bendi ade lagi dlm peti ais tu.. boleh cube nanti :)

  2. Bendi you ni mengingatkan I zaman kanak2... my grandma selalu masak menu ni bila dah selalu makan curry dan lauk2 yang berlemak....

  3. blogresipi - cubalah ijan..akak memang suka lauk2 gini..

    dessert paradise - betul tu kalau dah boring makan lauk kari & lemak sekali2 masak asam rebus memang sedap..bertambah nasi 1/2 periuk habis tak sedar..hehe


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