Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Biskut Coklat M&M

Hello there!!!! I am back...tried just now to upload...Eh!! dah boleh!!!..Yippee Yabadabedoooo..
Quickly got my images ready and apa lagi UPLOAD ler!!!..cepat2 before the system go haywire again...please lah jangan lah buat hal lagi....menyiksa zahir & batin ku..hehe..

Made this cookies on Iqram's request...the smell of Hari Raya is coming already..hehehe.. kids love this cause of the chocolate chips and M&M chocolates...if to buy quite expensive tau... this are one of the cookies collection in my 'library'...

1 egg
200g butter
150g corn flour
50g almond minced
150g powder sugar
200g plain flour
80g optima flour
chocolate chips and M&M to estimate
a bit of chopped almond

Add butter, egg and sugar and mix well. Add in plain flour, optima flour, corn flour, minced & chopped almond till Incorporated. Roll small balls with hands (when rolling the balls don't make too big or too small as the mixture will rise when baked). Top with M&M and chocolate chips around the balls. Preheat and bake in oven at 170 degrees Celsius till cook or in a medium heat so as not to melt the chocolates. Let it cool in wire rack before storing in container.
Sources:-From 'Resipi Ceria Keluarga' Warna 94.2fm


  1. Anonymous - My kids love them too..
    How should I address you?..

  2. I tries it and it was a hit....

  3. i wanna try it today..wish me luckk!! =)..teruja tgk M&M..(^_~)

  4. iluvmyself - wish you luck dear!!..selamat mengukis ya..:)

  5. TQ kak!!..da jadi mohon share recipe ye..(^_~)

  6. iluvmyself - tahniah..!! sila2kan..thank you sudi mencuba..:)

    akak try to click your link tapi tak bolehlah dear..:(


Sorry I have to put the word verifications, back as there are so many spam comments...If you signed in as an Anonymous ..please leave your name as it is easier for me to address you better..Thank you ...Really appreciate it...:)