Friday, July 24, 2009

Card From Mama Hawa

This is Forever Friendship. This is the sacred
ROSE. You MUST pass this rose on to at least 5 people within the hour of receiving this rose. After you do, make a wish. If you have passed it on, your wish will come true and love will come your way shortly. If not your life will stay the same as it has always been. Just be nice & pass it on.
May we all be loved so much.
Friend if I don't get this back I can take a hint! Send this if this is sent back to you then you know that you are a true friend... I want to share this
Those who without fail come and visit me.
(Yang tak visit pun tak apa)
To have this and posted in your blog.

Although it required at least 5 person, I would like to dedicate this to all my friends.

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