Friday, July 10, 2009

Chocolate Bread Pudding

Honestly, when comes to pudding, I don't really fancy..but when I saw this in Kak Ummi's blog, I was tempted..first because its chocolate second because its using bread and third cause of the hot fudge sauce!!!..Original recipe was from Chikgu Zana. My rating is 5 star!! Very nice...

6 pieces of white bread(thicker ones)-I just used normal bonjour bread 10 pieces sliced off the sides.
450 ml condensed milk
175 ml evaporated milk ( I used fresh milk)
2 tbsp cocoa powder
2 eggs
2 tbsp brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
icing sugar for sprinkle

Greased a deep tray ( I used a 7"x3"x3.5" tray). Cut the bread to small squares and arrange in tray. In a saucepan, mix the condensed milk, fresh milk and cocoa powder, and boil on a slow heat till warm. In another bowl, beat eggs, sugar and vanilla essence and whisk. Add in the warm milk mixture and whisk again. Pour the mixture into the bread tray making sure all the bread has been soaked. Put the mixture in fridge for 1-2 hours. After that bake in a pre heat oven for 180 degrees Celsius for 35-40 minutes. When cooked set aside for 5 minutes in oven and let it cool when out. Slice of bread and sprinkle some icing sugar and pour the Hot fudge sauce on it.

Ingredients for Hot fudge:-
55g plain cooking chocolate-chopped to small pieces
1 tbsp cocoa powder
2 tbsp golden syrup
55g butter
2 tbsp brown sugar
150 ml fresh milk
1 tbsp corn flour

Mix all the ingredients and stir well on a slow heat till Incorporated. Not too thick but a bit runny, and pour on pudding.
Sources:- Ummi 'home sweet home' and Dzana 'dzanariah blogspot'


  1. Wah K. Ayu.. nampak mengancam le pudding tuh.. tak manis sgt ker?

  2. Sedapnye nampak... kalau ta boh condensed milk buleh tak Kak? tadak la kat sini.

  3. blogresipi, mungkin boleh guna whip cream kot?..akak pun tak pasti Ijan..resepi pun orang punya.. tapi sememangnya condensed milk manis and pekat, whip cream or heavy cream mungkin boleh..


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