Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Donuts , my kids favourites....I bought the premix donut flour in one of the baking ingredients shop..I think it was S$3 per makes 16 donuts using the big mould..If were to buy 10 for S$13. I just had enough of trying donuts recipes that does not work for me...hehehe so just buy the premix sudah!!!..confirm jadi and sedap!!...before kneading in my mixer I have to add 2 egg yolks, 60g butter and 180ml water I just mould it and let it rest..then when it has proofed I fried it and dip with my kids favourite toppings..end of story!!..Mr Hubby comments when he saw this.."eh! eh! macam beli punya!'...heheheh..


  1. Ha...akhirnya....ayu...akak nak premix flour tu lah...mesti donut tu dah abis....

  2. kak, kalau kat penang ada kedai phoon huat, dia orang mesti ada jual..not sure bake with yen ada tak kat kl..pakai premix senang aje kak..confirm jadi punya..hehehe

  3. salam k ayu...teringin jugak nak buat donut tp hb selalu dok perli tau..."camne donut tu kembang,camtulah badan orang yg makan tu mengembang" heheee maknenye apelah tu eh klu yg makannye bini dia sendirik... hish!

    ps:thanks atas ucapan takziah, doa dan al-fatihah utk arwah mak...semoga rohnya disamping orang2 yg dicintaiNYA, amin... :D

  4. yuuuu nak donut,tak kira pos jugak hihihihi acah je .yu tq 4 the wish ya,semoga persahabatan kita dirahmatiNya.Aminnn


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