Sunday, July 12, 2009

Firzhana Marsya's Birthday Cake

This was the cake I made for Marsya... A Strawberry Shortcake Cake...Do you know how long I managed to decorate the cake?...Imagine from 10 pm yesterday night till 4 am this morning...Aiyoh!!!..Ama Apa!!! I told myself.....the most difficult part for me was the white base butter cream as I have to make sure that I wont hit the difficult corners of the pattern...and while doing that it took me a while and my butter cream starts to melt...with my limited tools and knowledge, I brave myself and improvised with whatever equipment I have...

The cake as usual chocolate as requested by the boys..although its not their birthday!!cause Marsya still cant demand as she only knows 'strawberry shortcake' hehehe...this time I made a different chocolate cake recipe which I've got from Noreen's blog, original recipe from Nigella, I think.'Chocolate Fudge Cake Nigella' ...instead of using the fudge icing, I just top with this butter cream...

This was the picture of the cake in process.. the eyes didn't really turned out so I've got to figure out myself..agak2 imagine.. I didn't managed to get the exact colours as some are not available...
while doing all this, even my blouse was also stained by the colours...(this what you called, tak pandai tapi berbesar hati nak buat..!! heheh) last my back started to ache...and the last colour was green...if you see closely the green was not mixed properly and the piping was orang mengantuk punya kerja'... I hantam saja lah cause I cannnot tahan anymore... macam mana lah nanti 'big project' yang akan datang in October tu..hai!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday Firzhana Marsya.. cantik namanya tue... semoga menjadi anak yg solehah.. dan ceria2 selalu :)


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