Thursday, July 16, 2009

Lapis Kacang Hijau

Made this yesterday, got the recipe from Bro Rozzan, actually the recipe that he put up in his blog was for a 28 cm tray(doubled the ingredients here) so I actually halved the ingredients and used a smaller tray. So below was what I adjusted to my discretion. At first thought of making koleh koleh kacang, but something went wrong...let that be a secret (biarlah rahsia)..hehehe I decided to make this cause my green beans flour was 'over stock' and soon to be expired..

Kuih Lapis Kacang Hijau -(Ayu gunakan 1/2 adunan asal)
Sources:-From Bro Rozzan

200g green beans flour
50g Hoon Kwee flour
40g tapioca flour
120g palm sugar-(Please adjust to preference)
70g fine sugar-(Pls adjust to preference)
pandan leaves
1250 ml coconut milk(500ml) + 750ml water)
some green colourings
8" tray greased with oil

Boil, coconut milk, palm sugar, fine sugar and pandan leaves till incorporated.Strained and let cool.Mix all the flour ingredients in a bowl. Add the cooled syrup, salt and mix with the flour
mixture. Strained the mixture and divide to 2 bowls. One with green colour and the other with the original colour. Steam in tray with the alternate layers of colours till mixture finish. Let the kuih really cooled then cut. Ready

(Sumber: Pn Siti Mastura Alwi)

400 gm tepung kacang hijau
100 gm tepung hoon kwee
80 gm tepung kanji
600 gm gula melaka
200 gm gula halus
1 sudu teh garam
2 helai daun pandan
2500 ml santan dari 4 biji kelapa parut
2 sudu teh pewarna hijau
loyang bulat (28 cm) gris sekelilingnya dgn minyak
Santan dimasak dgn gula Melaka, gula halus dan daun pandan sehingga gulanya hancur. Tapis dan sejukkan sedikit. Ketepikan.

kesemua bahan tepung dicampurkan di dalam satu mangkuk dan digaul rata. Tuangkan santan yg ditapis tadi ke dalam tepung ini bersama garam. Gaul lagi sehingga rata. Tapis adunan dan bahagi dua. Satu bahagian diwarnakan hijau dan yg satu lagi dibiarkan warna asalnya.

Kukus di dalam loyang berselang-seli warna sehingga adunannya habis. Setiap lapis dikukus selama 3-5 minit atau sehingga masak.

Biarkan kuihnya benar-benar sejuk , barulah dipotong.

1 comment:

  1. Yu nak seketoi hihihi i pun kole kacang tu dah masuk list lama dah tak terbuat je


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