Thursday, August 13, 2009

Botok Telur Asin

I got this recipe from an Indonesian blog..first time I heard of botok telur asin..normally botok2 ikan tenggiri(mackerel) I tried just 2 first..the taste something differentlah...ermmm maybe because of the basil leaves(daun salam) and grated coconut...maybe next time I just go without this two.....the only ummph I should say are the birds eye chillies and the salted eggs...(really brings out the taste)..

6 raw salted eggs
150g grated white coconut (3/4 steamed)
3 red chillies sliced (I blended)
2 green chillies sliced (I blended)
12 birds eye chillies washed cleaned
6 basil leaves washed cleaned

Blended ingredients:-
6 shallots
5 garlics
1/2 tsp black pepper
a bit of ginger

banana leaves and some satay sticks for wrapping

Mix all the blended ingredients with steamed coconuts and chillies. Prepare 6 banana leaves . Scoop some mixture from the blended ingredients and place it on the banana leaves. Crack one salted egg and place 2-3 birds eye chillies and basil leaf on each leaves. Quickly wrap it and do the same steps as the other 5. Steam for 45 minutes or till cook. Serve hot. Ready
Sources:-From koleksi resepi Unik Dapur Cantik.


  1. First time dengar botok telur asin nie... kalo botox tue selalu gak dorang sebut2.hehehe. nampak best lah kak...


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