Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Chocolate Waffle

This was for my kids breakfast this morning.. Iqram loves this, his favourite toppings are nutella and butter.. Hasif preferred to be a bit crispy for the waffle, but Mr Hubby preferred it a bit soft..(hai you orang punya you want it to be..hehe)
Along, another favourite recipe from you!!Thank you.

1/2 cup cocoa powder(I reduced slightly)
62g butter
3/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla essence
1 cup plain flour +1/2 tsp baking soda + 1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup fresh milk + 11/2 tsp vinegar

Mix cocoa powder, butter and sugar well in mixing bowl. Add in egg one by one. Add in vanilla essence. Add in flour and milk alternately. Heat the waffle maker before putting in the mixture.
Serve with your favourite sauce.
Sources:-From Alongroz


  1. ni kalau nampak anak bujang k.ct sure mesti nak punya.tapi maklum ler mama dia x der lagi acuan nya so kena beli yang dah siap jer lah hehehe

  2. salam k ayu...waffle ni dah sejuk lembik tak?saya sambil2 mencari resepi waffle yg rangup walau dah sejuk...belum berjumpa :( klu ade gtau eh...

  3. k.ayu cedap..seri pon pggemar la kalo beli x semua yg jual tu rangup pns ok lg da sejuk alahai latu lak..jd x cedap...


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