Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Jemput Jemput Pisang

Jemput jemput pisang ... these are soft even after it has cooled to room temperature...
Last group of bananas from the other day. Made this for breakfast... Mr Hubby called from office commented the taste sedap.....just was a pleasant surprise.... jarang dapat pujian from him ..
think can buy 4d? (hehehehe haram!!!)

Sources:-From Bro Rozzan's shared recipes.
350g banana (any types of bananas)
160g plain flour*
1/2 tsp baking powder*
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda *
(* mixed together)
50g fine sugar
2 tbsp coconut milk
50-60g water
salt to tatste
oil for frying

Mash bananas together with sugar in a container. Add in flour (which has been mixed toether w/bic.of soda and baking powder). Stir well. Add in water, coconut milk and salt and stir. Heat oil in wok and fry up to your favourite sizes.

Jemput Jemput Pisang
350 gm pisang (tak kiralah pisang apa yg anda nak pakai!)
160 gm tepung gandum }
½ sudu teh baking powder }
½ sudu teh bicarbonate of soda } ........ disatukan
50 gm gula halus
2 sudu besar santan pekat
50-60 gm air
secubit garam
minyak utk menggoreng

Pisang dilecek halus bersama gula di dalam sebuah bekas.
Masukkan pula tepung gandum (yg dah dicampur dgn b.powder & bic of soda) ke dalamnya dan kacau hingga rata. Masukkan air, santan dan garam lalu dikacau lagi hingga sebati.
Panaskan minyak dalam kuali dan gorenglah mengikut saiz yg anda suka. Setelah masak, toskan di atas kertas serap minyak.

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