Saturday, August 29, 2009

Kentucky Fried Chicken

Yuppp!! that's the name 'Kentucky Fried Chicken Recipe' .. this was not the beli one OK....I made one...hahaha... the outlook confirmed doesn't look like KFC the recipe in the net lor...when I asked my boys, 'rasa macam KFC tak?'...the eldest answered me, 'doesn't look like one.."..but he reached for the next chicken wing..the next and the next...he even asked Iqram whether he wants the last piece or not!!!...

So what can I say from that?...or maybe he really starving(kebulur)?...anyway I put up the recipe here..just in case some of you interested..

1 good chicken( I used 12 chicken wings)

1 tbsp curry powder
1/2 tsp ground all spice -(I used this one)


Fine herbs mixes:-
1 tsp chopped tarragon
1 tsp chopped chervil
1 tsp chopped chives
1 tsp chopped parsley(or any combination of the above, plus whatever else you fancy)

1-2 tsp minced garlics
1 tsp cayenne pepper(more or less to taste)
1 egg
1 cup flour
salt and pepper to taste
oil for frying

In a bowl, mix chicken with salt, pepper, spices, garlic, chili, egg and 2 tbsp water. When thoroughly combined blend in flour, using your hands. Keep mixing until most of the flour is blended with other ingredients and chicken is coated ( add more water of flour if mixture is too thin or too dry; it should be dry but not powdery and not too wet- it has to adhere to the chicken).

Add enough oil to your skillet to come to a depth of about 1/2 inch and turn heat to medium. If you are using butter, skim any foam as it rises to the surface.
When oil is hot raise heat to high. Slowly add chicken pieces to skillet. Cover skillet, reduce heat to medium (more or less- oil should sizzle but not smoke) and cook for 7 minutes.
Uncover skillet, turn chicken and continue to cook, uncovered for another 7 minutes.
Turn chicken again and cook for 5 minutes more, turning as necessary to ensure that both sides are golden brown.
Remove chicken from skillet and drain on paper towels . Serve immediately, or cold.

1 comment:

  1. Nmpk sedap ni kak ayu!! masuk list dululah! budak2 sure suke!


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