Thursday, August 06, 2009

Kuih Gandus

If you remembered the last time I showed my new toys, about the gandus mould, you might be thinking why that mould and this kuih does not go along?...Is because I tried using the gandus mould but the mixture got stuck to the base and just wasted a few of I've decided ah use muffin tray sudah lah!! long the taste is there oklah.. this are of course 'old timer' kids, dont even bother to take a glance...Recipe from Bro Rozzan's blog. Thank you ya bro for sharing..

Ingredients:-(I halved the ingredients)
600g rice flour
200g plain flour
2 tbsp 'tapai nasi' (fermented rice)
500g grated white coconut
1200 ml coconut milk from 1 whole white coconut
1 packet instant yeast
salt to taste
orange sugar

Put rice flour, plain flour, tapai nasi , half of grated coconut, yeast, salt and coconut milk in a blender and blend. Pour mixture into a bowl and add in the half coconut and stir well.Let it stand for 1 hour or till the mixture turn to bubbles. Heat gandus mould on stove and brush some oil. Pour mixture into mould till 3/4 and cook for 10 minutes or till cook. (Me just bake in oven)
When ready serve hot with orange sugar.
Sources:-From Rozzan's Shared recipes- recipe from Hajah Zahara Sudi

The malay version:-
sumber : Hajah Zahara Sudi
Bahan-baham :600 gm tepung beras
200 gm tepung gandum
2 sudu makan tapai nasi
500 gm kelapa muda parut putih
1200 ml santan dari 1 biji kelapa putih
1 bungkus yeast kering
garam secukup rasa
gula merah (gula tanjung) secukupnya
acuan gandus

Tepung beras, tepung gandum, tapai nasi, separuh bahagian kelapa muda, yeast kering, garam, serta santan digaul rata dan dikisar sedikit.Masukkan separuh bahagian lagi kelapa, gaul rata dan perap selama kira-kira satu jam atau hingga adunan naik berbuih.Panaskan acuan diatas dapur gas dan sapu sedikit minyak, kemudian tuangkanlah adunan tadi kedalam acuan anggaran tiga suku bahagian, lalu dibakar kira-kira 10 minit atau hingga masak.Keluarkan dari acuan ketika masih panas dan hidangkan dengan gula merah.


  1. Ayuuu...something new to me....I have never heard or taste this kuih...sedap hint??Macam apam ker?or macam bingka? Perhaps macam bahulu or kek...and about tapai English....fermanted rice ker tu???

  2. alamak ayu jakun ni tak pernah tgk or makanla.Ayu sihat ke?

  3. My hubby's favourite. I must try making them. But where to get tapai nasi? .. Thanks for sharing :)

  4. Kak watie, rasanya mungkin pada ayu macam jemput2 kelapa kot..ya actually nak tulis fermented rice..tapi takut salah pulak..hehe

    Mimi, actually the shape bukan macam ni..sebab dia melekat kat acuan gandusnya..ayu pakai muffin tray..hehe..ini kuih orang mother punya..era kot..hehe

    Raihana, kak ayu beli yang dah siap ..dgn orang yang jual tapai tu(kat pasar kadang2 ada org melayu jual)tapi yang ni mak kak ayu beli kat jb...tapai ubi or tapai pulut for this resepi kak ayu pakai tapai pulut tulah..

  5. penah dgr nama kuih gandus tapi tak pernah makan pun..dan lagi satu i ada baca kat blog mana ntah kuih gandus ada inti jem ke ayu?

  6. Salam Kak Ayu,
    Baru minggu lepas tgk paparan kuih ni kat TV3, wahhh ada resipinya kat sini...
    Haaaa...kat paparan tu, dia buh inti nenas...
    (psstttt...sebenarnya baru last week saja saya tahu keujudan kuih ni...Jakun tak...)

  7. Kuih gandus ni sdap. Prnah mkn masa kecik² dulu. Skarang susah nak cari kat JB ni. Ade sesape tau kat mana ada jual?


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