Monday, August 17, 2009

Mee Hokkien

Before I elaborate more about this noodles dish, I would like to say that I have never tasted the real Hokkien Mee.. I saw this recipe in for the first time. The sender or owner of this recipe, said that she found this in MPH cookbook section. At first when I saw the ingredients I was quite curious cause of the use of the only 2 sauces besides the fresh ingredients...

Of course theres some comments given that they are not convinced with this recipe and theres one said that this is not the real Hokkien mee recipe..(maybe theres no chicken stock used)..
Anyway, I would like to comment that I LOOOVVVEEEE...this recipe very much doesnt matter what they called it...cause its very simple, easy, fast to cook and very nice!!!!.(believe it or not I fried this during my open house makan2)!!!!..Thank you Maya for the great recipe!!!

Ingredients:- (2 person)
yellow noodles
3 garlics crushed
some prawns
some squids
some sliced beef
3 tbsp oyster sauce
3 tbsp light soy sauce
some chye sim(optional)-put nicer
some bean sprout(optional)-put nicer
fish cakes sliced(optional)-put nicer

Stir fry garlics till fragrant. Add in sauces, prawns, squids and beef. Let it for 5-10 minutes till beef is cooked. Add in chye sim and stir. Add in yellow noodles and stir (According to the recipe, you blanched the noodles first-but I just add on to the ingredients cause I preferred mine that way). Add in bean sprout, stir and turn off heat. Nice to eat it with sliced chillies in light soy sauce or pickled chillies. Ready.
Sources:-From Maya Zakry.

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