Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mee Soto - 3rd Day Iftar

Mee Soto, my boys favourite..the gravy can be used for Soto Ayam too.. just changed the main ingredients either yellow noodles, mee hoon or compressed rice...
The postings for today was all for the 3rd day iftar menu..while writing this still thinking what to have for today's iftar later...any idea?..hehehe

1 whole chicken (cleaned, cut to preference)
*4 green chillies
*3 big onions
*7 garlics
*2 inches ginger
2 lemongrass bruised
toe size galangal bruised
1-2 tbsp coconut milk
water to estimate
30g sup/soto powder
1/2 cinnamon stick(kayu manis)
3 cardamon(buah pelaga)
1 star anise(bunga lawang)
salt, sugar and MSG to taste

Heat oil and saute  blended *ingredients. Add in all the spices, lemon grass, galangal and soto powder. Add in chicken and stir well. Add water and coconut milk.Let it boil. When cooked serve hot with satay rice. Garnish with blanched bean sprout, spring onions, celery and fried shallots, sambal chilli padi and bagedil. Ready


  1. ayu sedapnya tp kat umah kita semuanya peyot cap tong nak nasik jugak ,huhuhu

  2. hahahha..understand mimi..memang selera masing2 kan...lagipun makan nasi perut tetap ..

  3. Salam kak ayu!!!!! bestnyerrr iftarr akak!! sume sedap2!! nak2 mee soto niiii kalau kitalah dpt bee hoon mmg bertambah tanbah jerr!!! eeeeeee.....sume2 nak makan!! :D tp kuih koci akak tu yg menawan hati kita sedapnyerrr!!!


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