Saturday, August 29, 2009

Murtabak Singapore -7th Day Iftar

For my friends who are not living in Singapore, this is the ORIGINAL Murtabak Singapore.. my dad bought this from Zam Zam/ Victory Restaurant yang kat Arab Street tu, in front of the famous Masjid Sultan was wrapped in banana leaves and covered again in white paper..

We had this for our 7th day came along with sliced cucumbers in tomato sauce and curry gravy for dipping our main menu was this ...although I dont really like to eat mutton, yang ni I makan pulak...hehehe.. (sewel punya tekak)...


  1. Salam kak ayu!! murtabak ni sama dgn kat pasar2 malan kat tempat kwsn perumahan mak kitalah!! sedap!! jkita suke jugak!! mmg lembut luarnyer dia tak rangup ehehe... kitanyer murtabak tu DARURAT VERSION! :D

  2. hmm... tak suka tauuuuu! jeles!! kita kalau nak pun kena carik kat muor (tak ori la)... kat kl langsung takde

  3. kita tak leh nengok benda alah ni, harus meroyan.

  4. kak ayu..
    huhhuh x sabo nak balik muwo ni nk mkn murtabak peberet tawww..
    tp mrtabak kat kota singa tu lagi la kite rinduuu...
    bile la bleh ziarah sana lagi..
    slalunya kalo ramadan ni best bole g shoppin kat geylang..meriah suke sgt..


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