Friday, August 07, 2009

Nasi Ayam Penyet

The other day saw this in Ijan's blog from Finland...looks yummy especially the sambal chili, originally she got the recipe from so here I am made this today...When I tried this in Batam during the holidays, the chili there wasn't that hot, so wasn't that ummpph, the difference between the normal chicken rice and this ayam penyet chicken rice are the sambal..

For this recipe I should say that it can match with the one I ate here in Singapore- the one in beach road hawker's centre, cant remember the stall's name, but something like, 'Ayam Penyet Changi Village?' I help myself with 2 servings for this....(in fact 3).. =)

Sorry Ijan I edited here and there according to my convenience ya... my verdict 4 thumb toes up (2 thumbs and 2 toes)...POWER!!!!for Malay recipe you can get it here , for those my friends who cant understand Malay, as a goodwill I translate this recipe to English OK.(in my limited English translation of course)hehehe...

Ingredients for chicken stock:-
1 chicken - cut to 8 parts
1 lemon grass bruised
11/2 inch ginger crushed
5 garlics crushed
2 litre of water
salt to taste

Method for chicken stock:-
Boil all the ingredients for 20 minutes or till the chicken floats. Dish out the chicken from the stock and put aside. Keep the stock for soup and rice.

Ingredients for Fried Chicken:-
1/2 tbsp fennel seeds- fry without oil till fragrant
1/2 tbsp cumin seeds- fry without oil till fragrant
3 tbsp coriander seeds-fry without oil till fragrant
1 tbsp meat curry powder
1 tbsp turmeric powder
1/2 tbsp white pepper powder
3 cloves of garlics
1 cm ginger
some water
1 tsp salt
oil for frying

Method for fried chicken:-
Add all the ingredients except oil in a blender and minced till fine. Marinate the boiled chicken with the blended ingredients overnight.(I didn't do this)...( Leave some mixture for tempe and tauhu). When ready, roll marinated chicken with rice flour(I didn't do this either). Heat oil and fry the chicken till crispy. When done, chicken need to be crushed or bruised slightly. thats why you called Ayam Penyet( Crushed chicken)

Ingredients for Sambal chili:-
some vegetable oil
20 red chillies (more if preferred hot)
10 birds eye chillies
10 shallots sliced
5 tomatoes cut to wedges
5cm belacan (dried shrimp paste)
2 tbsp anchovies ( me about 1small bowl)
3 tbsp palm sugar(I used orange sugar)

Method for sambal:-
Heat oil and fry the anchovies till crispy. Dish out and put aside. Fry the belacan for a while, dish out and put aside(I used grilled belacan) so didn't do this.Add in onions, garlics and chillies fry till soft and add in tomatoes. Stir well and turn off heat. Dish out and put aside.
Let cool all the ingredients to room temperature before putting them in a food processor. Blend them coarsely. Add all the blended ingredients into a wok and heat up again. add in brown sugar and stir well. Taste the sambal, add in salt and sugar to taste. The sambal can be prepared 1 day before. Keep sambal in fridge, and heat up before serving.

Method for rice:- (Based on Nasi Ayam Penyet Palembang, which I've  got from a newspaper article, but I've adjusted to my family need)
1 kg rice (wash and drained)-(Ayu used 41/2 cups)
150g butter-(Ayu used 3 tbsp)
1 cup vegetable oil-(Ayu used 2 tbsp)
1/2 cup sesame oil-(Ayu used a few drops)
6-8 pandan leaves-(Ayu used 3 leaves)
1 lemon grass bruised
5 garlics crushed
salt to taste
chicken stock to estimate-(Ayu used 61/2 cups chicken stock + 1 cube chicken stock)

Method for rice:-
Add in chicken stock in cooker pot. Add in butter, oil, rice, pandan leaves, lemon grass, garlics and salt. Stir a bit and let the rice cook as normal.
For the soup I just added 2 tsp white pepper, some sliced giner, 2-3 crushed garlics, 1 chicken cube and salt and MSG to taste and add some more water. Let boil and serve hot with garnishing of fried shallots, Chinese celery and spring onions.

Malay Translation-From Ijan's blog
Resipi Nasi Ayam Penyet Untuk Ayam
1 ekor ayam – potong 8 bahagian, rebus selama 10 minit dan toskan
(simpan air rebusan ayam untuk buat sup)-kite guna air nie jgk utk masak nasik
  • ½ sudu besar Jintan Manis – goreng tanpa minyak hingga naik bau
  • ½ sudu besar Jintan Putih – goreng tanpa minyak hingga naik bau
  • 3 sudu besar Biji Ketumbar – goreng tanpa minyak hingga naik bau
  • 1 sudu besar Serbuk Kari Ayam
  • 1 sudu besar Serbuk Kunyit
  • ½ sudu besar Serbuk Lada Putih
  • 3 ulas Bawang putih
  • 1cm Halia
  • Sedikit Air
  • 1 sudu kecil Garam
  • Minyak masak untuk menggoreng.
  1. Masukkan kesemua bahan (kecuali minyak masak) dalam pengisar, kisar hingga halus.
  2. Lumur bahan yang telah dikisar pada ayam dan perap semalaman.-perap lama2 cenggini best.
  3. (Simpan bahan kisar yang berlebihan untuk goreng tempe dan tahu.)- kite tadak tauhu/tempe. Tak buat.
  4. Setelah perap semalaman, golek-golekkann pada tepung beras.
  5. Panaskan minyak dan goreng hingga garing.

Untuk Sambal.-kite suke! tp hati2 dgn cili tue. Edit ikut selera ye :)
  • Sedikit minyak masak
  • 20 batang Cili merah (lebihkan jika mahu lebih pedas)
  • 10 biji Cili padi
  • 10 biji Bawang kecil/merah, hiris
  • 3 biji Bawang putih, hiris
  • 5 biji Tomato, potong 4
  • 5 cm Belacan
  • 2 sudu Ikan Bilis-kite lebihkan cikit (Ayu gunakan 1 mangkuk  kecil)
  • 3 sudu gula merah/secukup rasa
  1. Panaskan minyak. Goreng ikan bilis hingga garing/rangup. Angkat dan ketepikan.
  2. Goreng belacan seketika Angkat dan ketepikan.
  3. Masukkan bawang merah, bawang putih dan cili. Setelah layu, masukkan tomato. Gaul rata dan tutup api. Angkat dan ketepikan.
  4. Sejukkan semua bahan yang telah digoreng pada suhu bilik.
  5. Masukkan kesemuanya ke dalam pengisar atau lesung batu. Kisar atau tumbuk sehingga separa halus.
  6. Masukkan semua bahan tumbuk ke dalam periuk dan panaskan.
  7. Masukkan gula merah dan gaul rata.
  8. Rasa sambal yang terhasil, tambah garam atau gula merah jika perlu mengikut citarasa.* Sambal boleh disediakan sehari sebelum hidangan sajian. Simpan sambal dalam peti sejuk. Panaskan sambal sebelum disajikan.
Untuk Sup.
  1. Masukkan garam secukup rasa pada air rebusan ayam.-kite tambah ayu manis, bunga lawang, pelaga dan ketumbar (boleh masukkan terus sup bunjut kalo ade).
  2. Panaskan sebelum dihidangkan. Tabur hirisan daun sup dan daun bawang pada sup semasa disajikan.
Untuk Tempe dan Tauhu Goreng. -Kite takde nie
  • 2 keping tahu – potong dadu
  • 1 paket tempe – potong nipis
  • Sedikit tepung beras.
  • Minyak masak untuk menggoreng.
  1. Golek-golekkan tahu dan tempe atas tepung beras dan pada lebihan bahan lumuran ayam.
  2. Goreng hingga garing.
Untuk Nasi-yg nie resipi sendirik. kite buat ikut resipi ala2 nasi ayam. utk 2 org makan je nie.

  • 1 cawan beras dibasuh dan ditoskan
  • 3 ulas bawang putih
  • satu btg kayu manis
  • dua biji buah pelaga
  • satu kelopak (kelopak ke? hehe) bunga lawang
  • sedikit butter
  • garam
  • separuh kiub pati ayam/daging
  • 2 cawan air rebusan ayam (yg disimpan td)
  1. Panaskan butter. Tumis 3 ulas bawang putih, kayu manis, bunge lawang dan buah pelaga sehingga wangi.
  2. Masukkan beras yg dah ditoskan. Kacau lebih kurang 3-5 minit.
  3. Masukkan air rebusan ayam, garam dan kiub ayam/daging. Tunggu sehingga menggelegak sedikit.
  4. Pindah ke periuk nasi letrik dan masak cam biasa.
Cara hidangan-
Hidangkan ayam penyet,tahu, tempe, sambal dan sup bersama ulam seperti daun salad, tomato dan timun dengan nasi.
*Boleh juga perahkan sedikit asam limau pada sambal jika suka masam.


  1. alaaaallaa ayu ade ciken rice wif ayam penyet la,sll dengar citer ayam penyet ni cuma tgak pernah ghase n tgk je nak try la one fine day Bila tu????????hahaha

  2. kak ayu..
    sedapppnye..hihihii seri dtg bwa pinggan kosong ni nak join sama...

  3. masakan ni tengah hot hot kat KL. thanks for the recipe.

  4. Salam Kak Ayu.. wah.. nie versi nasi ayam penyet omputih. hehehe... bagusla kak ayu suke... kite pon suke... nak kena buat lagik neh..heheh

  5. thanks Kak Zai n Ijan, memang tgh duk intai2 resepi ayam penyet, aritu makan kat Wong solo, bukan main sedap lagi, asyik teringat2 jer.. try carik resepi tapi takde yg berkenan dihati. Nak try yg nie lah..

  6. sepertnya enak nih klw d buat d rumah...


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