Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Puyuh Goreng Berempah Serai

Yes! I agreed this recipe is very nice. A few of my friends blogger made this over and over again and their comments was very good. Just cant stop eating the 'kerak'..hahaha..actually this recipe was what normally I used in frying chicken - except that I didnt put in lemon grass, 5 spices and curry leaves. I added 1-2 tsp vinegar to make it more crunchier..
Original recipe was to use the chicken but I changed it to using quails meat, and that deceived my kids thinking that was chicken meat..hahaha

6-7 quails meat (original was chicken- cleaned and cut to preferences)
Blended ingredients:-
6 garlics
7 shallots
2 inches ginger
2 lemon grass

3 tbsp chili paste (up to preference how much you want to use)
2 tbsp meat curry powder
1/2 tsp fennel powder
1/2 tsp cumin powder
1/2 tsp coriander powder
1/2 tsp 5 spices (optional)
salt and MSG to taste
3 sprigs of curry powder
oil for frying

Mix all the ingredients with quail's meat except the curry leaves and oil. Mix till incorporated and let it rest for 1 hour.
Heat oil in wok, making sure the oil is deep enough for the meat to be sink in(deep frying). Deep in a few meat when almost done sprinkle with curry leaves and dish out. Do that till all the meat finish. Dish out , drain the oil and left with all the balance 'kerak' (crispy stuff) which you can eat it just like that.
Sources:-From Love2cook. myr.com

1 comment:

  1. Puyuh murah ke kat singapore kak? cam best plak dpt makan puyuh2 nie...


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