Monday, August 31, 2009

Roti Bawean - 9th Day Iftar

Requested by Mr Hubby...when I asked him yesterday morning what does he want for iftar..he asked for this...I called it 'roti prata boyan'...sedap sekali sekali makan ni..the 'sambal cicah'(sauce for dipping), normally we bought are the sambal tumis ikan bilis(anchovies), but since Mr Hubby's wife(Me) is very the 'rajin'(harworking) I made sambal tumis ayam to go with it!!

The reason why I made sambal tumis ayam was it saved me time rather to cook another dish for sahur. as my kids dont eat ikan again trying to be idle, or the right word trying to be productive?hehe.....When Mr Hubby asked me 'eh, patut makan dengan sambal tumis ikan bilis kan?'... I answered softly...boleh lah tu, sambal jugak apeer!!..wakaka..

650g plain flour
320ml warm water
60ml vegetable oil
2 tbsp ghee oil
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt

Mix warm water, oil, ghee oil, baking powder, sugar and salt in a bowl and stir. Add in flour bit by bit and knead to form a soft dough. Make a few balls to the size of your preference and let it rest for a while.

Ingredients for Filling:-
1 kg potatoes(cleaned and boil till soft, discard skin and mashed it)
3 eggs (slightly beaten- just slightly)
spring onions and Chinese celery to estimate sliced thinly
2 big onions diced
a bit of mixed vegetables(optional)- I didn't put
a bit of pepper powder
salt to taste
*Mix all the ingredients and adjust to taste

Method Roti Bawean 1:- ( I used this method easier)
Roll out one of the balls to form a circle. Put some filling on it and fold it like a square. Fried on a flat pan like frying the roti canai/prata. Add oil once in a while and dish out when golden yellow.

Method Roti Bawean 2:-(This metod like kneading the roti prata/canai)
Take 2 balls. Roll out one ball to form a circle. the other ball knead thin to form a bigger circle. Add some oil on it. fold out dough like a snail and let it rest for a while. Later knead again to make it flatten. Take the first dough and fill with filling. Cover the dough with the second one and seal nicely. Fry till cook.
Sources:-From Rozzan Shared recipes.


  1. Salam kak ayu!! roti boyan ya, ingatkan kita roti apa td hihihi..ada inti lak tu mcm best pulak!! tak pernah makan lagi nii nmpk pun kat sini :D..

  2. Ayu, I made some as well, will upload soon.. But I buat bulat2 and trim the ages like epok2 :)

    thanks for sharing the recipe


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