Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan 2009

Salam to all my friends near and far!!! Since Ramadhan is coming I would like to wish everybody 'Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan 2009' . Hopefully in this month of barakah our prayers and deeds are performed in sincerity and well accepted by Allah.
With this I would like to extend my wishes by inviting my fellow friends and guest to paste this in your blog as a token of appreciations for visiting my blog.
This are for ALL ya.
Please, please I insist since this is my first cards do accept it ok!!

ps:- I will go around checking your blog!!! so be warned!!!(kire paksa pulak eh?) nolah joking aje ya..

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Sorry I have to put the word verifications, back as there are so many spam comments...If you signed in as an Anonymous ..please leave your name as it is easier for me to address you better..Thank you ...Really appreciate it...:)