Saturday, September 05, 2009

Bubur Ayam - 14th Day Iftar

When we had this for iftar yesterday, Iqram said, 'Ma, this is for sick people'..then I answered him, 'You think only sick people eat this eh?..he nodded his head!!..then I told him, 'eeeeh! kau jangan banyak songeh, MAKAN!!...with, his 'jendul' forehead (what we normally teased him at home), he scooped the porridge very slooooowwwlllyyy..

Kesian pulak when I saw him like that..ok you can eat the fried rice, (luckily my mum fried some earlier)...Hasif already so quiet enjoying his food not a single click from him..Mr Hubby as usual cant make it on time, so he broke his fast in the office..
We had this, some fried rice, Tahu Bakar and I managed to make some Donuts for the boys.

1 whole chicken cut to 4 pieces
3 garlics crushed
2 big onion sliced
4 pieces cloves
3 pieces cardamon
1/2 stick cinnamon bark
1 piece star anise
3 tbsp soto powder or soup powder(any brand)
2 cube chicken stock

2 inch ginger
3 garlics
1 big onion

water to estimate approx 2 liter
salt to taste
oil for frying

Saute sliced onions ,ginger, crushed garlics cardamons, cinnamon, cloves and star anise till fragrant . Add in minced onions, garlics ,chicken stock & soup powder stir well. Add chicken, let it soaked till juices oozes out. Add some water if mixture is dry. Stir well for about 5 minutes then add in more water. Let it simmer and add in salt, and MSG. Bring to boil till chicken is cooked. Serve hot, pour into porridge which has been cooked earlier.

shredded chicken
fried shallots
spring onions
salted eggs
sambal cili padi.

Sambal Cili padi:-
A handful of birds eye chillies(blended)
1 garlic crushed
sweet soy sauce
lime juice
water to estimate
(Mix all the ingredients and put to boil)


  1. sedapnya bubur. kalau makan waktu sahur pun best ni.

  2. best gak makan bubur nasi..bila laa leh makan nih..huhu...

    Kak ayu thanks yer bg tips tu.nanti kalo xleh nak guna cara tuh x tau laa camner.hehee..


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