Friday, September 04, 2009

Harum Manis

Got the idea of making this kuih just 2 hours before iftar!!!!..imagine by 5 pm I still dont know what to cook..haiiiii...flip flip my' libray'...ha buat ni dahlah...I halved the ingredients, as the full amount can get quite a in order to finish quickly I made this in bigger jelly mould..heheh
steamed it satu kali jalan...even the bananas are not pisang raja, but pisang berangan..hhuhu..
asal pisang ...jadi pulak tu...the picture taken pun main snap aje..tak boleh nak posing2..

200 g gula melaka
240ml water
3 medium eggs
135g sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
240g plain flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
3/4 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1/4 tsp salt
(sieved together)
40g melted butter
6-7 nos. pisang rajah

1. Boil gula melaka together with water till melt. Filtered and put aside.
2. Beat eggs, vanilla essence and sugar till fluffy. Add in flour bit by bit and stir well.
3. Add in melted butter together with gula melaka syrup and stir well.
4. Brush mould with butter. Pour some mixture till half of mould. Add in slices of bananas onto the mixture.
5. Steam for 15-20 minutes. Cool first before take out from mould.
Sources:-From Rozzan Shared recipes

1 comment:

  1. Salam kak ayu!! sowi ya lmbat jalan2 kat sg sbb penat :D patut pun bau harum sampai ke siam!! nak kena masuk list nii nmpk sedap tuuu ;-) ala kak belasah jer pisang apa pun janji sedap!! klau kat sini apa2 yg berkaitan dgn pisang kita cuma berani guna 1 jenis pisang jerr iaitu PISANG MONTEL !! ekekeke....kacuali goreng pisang mmg tak leh lah sbb dah buat kurang kerja sgt!! jd bubur dlm kuali!! :D hihihi...


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