Thursday, September 03, 2009

Jemput Jemput Roti

I had so much bread left since making the kacang phool the other day...asked Mr Hubby to buy just 1 loaf of bread he bought 2 loaves of soft bread ..asked him to buy 1 french loaf he bought 2 instead of basically over stock .... when asked him why he bought so much, he said.."dah beratur lama for the french loaf tak kan nak beli satu aje?(cause he bought at Delifrance and got to wait for the french loaf to be baked).."

Some I made for Iqram the sausage rolls with bread crumbs and some fried for Hasif the roti celup telur

14 pieces of bread(wholemeal or plain bread) - tear into small pieces
8-10 tbsp corn starch
11/2 cup water
1/2 cup evaporated milk (I used fresh milk)
3 eggs (big size)
80g chicken meat cut to dice(I used minced chicken meat)
80g medium size prawns skinned and diced
2 red chilies slice thinly
1 big onion diced
50g whole kennel corn (I didn't put)
some Chinese celery and spring onions sliced thinly
2 tsp pepper powder
salt to taste
oil for frying

Throw pieces of bread in a big bowl. Add water and milk and let it for a while . Making sure all the bread has been absorbed by the water and milk, add in eggs, chicken, prawns, red chillies, onions, corn, celery and spring onions. Mix well. Add in salt, pepper and corn starch. Mix till incorporated. If the mixture is thin, add more bread or corn starch. Fry like the normal jemput jemput. Serve hot with chili sauce.
Sources:_From Rozzan shared recipes

This is the 'glamour' name after converting it to English hehehe...the recipe is very can check it out here...if were to put spring onions lagi best...

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