Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Macaroni Soup -17th Day Iftar

By making the 'swirl' curry puff already taken me most of my afternoon, I've decided to just made this for our 17th day iftar...Macaroni soup...no recipe for this one as most of you should have already known the recipe right..

Anyway, I just used some soup powder, ginger, garlics, pepper powder and onions for the base plus 1 chicken cube. Saute them till fragrant and add water. You can add in your favourite ingredients, as for me I added sliced boil beef, prawns and squids. On top of the vegetables like chye sim, Chinese cabbage, tomatoes and carrots. Garnish with fried shallots, chinese celery, spring onions and pickled chillies..


  1. salam kak ayu.yang bentuk2 daun tuh ke makaroninya?awat comel bebeno?x penah jumpa laa kat sini.jakun jap..hehe...

  2. aah sue, memang makaroni lah tu..kat sini memang ada macam2 pattern...pilih mana yang berkena, tapi tengok jugak certain supermarket..


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