Friday, October 23, 2009

Apam Puteri Ayu

Since Mr Hubby is back, I have to start my 'engine' to make or prepare something for his 'sweet tooth' breakfast ... made this yesterday for his breakfast this morning.. 'Ayu Meets Ayu'.. but both tak Ayu!!!..hehehe

2 biji telur ayam (eggs)
160gm gula kastor (castor sugar)- I used 150g
1 sudu kecil ovalette-(1 tsp ovalette)
200gm tepung gandum (all-purpose flour)
100ml susu segar (fresh milk)
1 tsp pes pandan (pandan flavour)- I used 2 tsp
sedikit pewarna hijau (few drops of green colourings)
80gm kelapa parut, dibuang kulit arinya (white coconut)-I used 160g roughly
2 tsp tepung jagung (corn flour) -since I doubled the coconut amount, I used 4 tsp

Few mould & steamer.
Gaulkan kelapa parut bersama tepung jagung & ketepikan. (mixed coconut with corn flour & set aside)

1. Pukul telur & gula hingga kembang & sebati dengan menggunakan mesin pemutar. (with elecrtric mixer, beat eggs & sugar till white & fluffy)
2. Masukkan ovalette. (Add in the ovalette)
3. Bubuh tepung berselang-seli dengan susu segar & putar hingga ringan. (Fold in flour alternating with milk until smooth)
4. Masukkan pes pandan & pewarna hijau. (Add pandan paste & drops of green colourings)
5. Bubuh kelapa dalam acuan yg telah di oles minyak. (scoop in coconut on the base of a grease mould)
6. Sudukan adunan kedalam acuan berisi kelapa tadi. (scoop of batter, pour into the mould with the coconut base)
7. Kukus selama 15-20 mins atau hingga masak. Terbalikkan kuih & sajikan. (Steam for about 15-20 mins or until cook. Turn over mould before serve)

Note: Pastikan pukul hingga gebu supaya ianya akan kekal lembut setelah kukus. Pastikan jangan kukus terlalu lama, terus angkat selepas ianya mengembang. (be sure to beat the first item till fluffy in order to get a smooth texture after steaming. Do not oversteamed)
Sources: From '


  1. Dah ayu dah puteri ayu tue kak ayu... uish.banyak pula ayu.. konpius mana satu.hehehe

  2. Salam kak ayu...ayunya puteri ayu akak nih...sungguh menyelerakan..nak sepiring kak

  3. Salam kak Ayu.

    Sungguh ayu, kak Ayu.hihi. Dah lama nak try wat kue nih.
    p/s: Rajin kak Ayu wat kue. :)

  4. salam kak..nmpak sedap betol2 nk tau nape bile sy buat apam mesti ase tepung terlebih,sedangakn dh ikut sukatan betol...(


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