Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Crispy Crab Stick

2 packets definitely not enough!!!..heheh.. The first time I made this 2 packets finished in just 10 minutes!!! not enough time to take photograph......the process of unwrapping and slicing was much much longer then the eating process..hahaha..so this time I bought 6 packets!!..ha engkau ni bukan makan..ini
'melant-k'...hahaha...once you started just cant stop eating it..


2 packets filamen crabsticks
Maggi seasoning(optional)-I didnt use cause no stock
(I add in turmeric powder and chili powder + just a pinch of salt)

Unwrapped filamen crabstick to form a flat piece. (If notice the filamen comes in roll forms).
Slice 1 cm in depth. deep fried till golden brown and crispy. Sprinkle some seasoning and ready.
Sources:-From Cheiza@myresipi.com

As for me, after slicing, I added turmeric powder, salt and chili powder and mix them up. Ready to be fried.


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