Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Nasi Lemak Pandan

Saw this green Nasi lemak Pandan in a few of friends blog..cause I have never tried green nasi lemak before..hehehe(jakun)..so got this from Hana Japan..
When I gave this to Iqram just now before school, he asked me 'what rice is this ma?'..I said nasi lemak...why the colour like that?..I said its just coloured but it taste the same like the normal nasi lemak..he scooped 1 spoon, ate it and look at me while munching..then he said oh!!! smiled ..then carried on eating...hehehe

When I cooked this, I assumed it wil be the same when comes to put the colouring..where I just dropped a few drops of green colour when putting the rice to boil...after the rice has cooked, I realised my rice is not as what I saw in the her blog. Rupa2 nya..the coloured should be sprinkled after that!! and not leburkan everything..haha..

Beras (rice)
Air pandan secukupnyer (blend daun pandan dan tapis) (pandan juice-blend pandan leaves and take the juice)
Santan pekat(thick coconut milk)
Halba(fenugreek about 1 tsp)
Halia(ginger sliced)
Daun Pandan - simpul (pandan leaves tie a knot)
Pandan emulco@pewarna ijo + sedikit air (utk renjis)- (pandan emulco _green colouring +some water for sprinkling)


Basuh beras bersih. Campurkan santan pekat dan juga air pandan mengikut sukatan beras. (wash rice and add in thick coconut milk and pandan juice according to amount of rice)

Masukkan skali garam, halba, halia dan juga daun pandan. Jika kaler ijo kurang menarik, bleh tmbh ngan sedikit pandan emulco@pewarna ijo yer! (Add in salt, fenugreek, ginger and pandan leaves. If the green ccolour fron the pandan juice is not strong, add some more pandan emulco@green colour)

Masukkan rice cooker dan masak hingga beberapa minit nk tanak.(place on rice cooker and let it cook)

Lagi beberapa minit nk tanak tuh, ambil sedikit pandan emulco@pewarna ijau. Campurkan dengan sedikit air (kaler ijo yg ni bior lg pekat dr warna nasik td yer) dan renjis2kan ke atas nasik. jgn gaul dulu. tutup smula periuk dan tanak hingga masak. (before the rice is almost cooked, add green colour, mixed with some water making sure the colour is a bit more darker then the rice and SPRINKLE on to rice. DO not stir yet. Cover lid and let it till cooked.)

Dah masak baru gaulkan. so nmpk la nasi lemak anda warna ijo yg cantik! heeeee... Slamat mencube!! :)(When the rice has cooked then stir it.)
Sources:-From Hanamemories.blogspot.com


  1. baru cakap nak buat nasi lemak... patut kah mencuba resepi hijau ini? hmmm

  2. Salam kak Ayu,
    Cantik nasi lemak hijau tuh. lom try buat lagi ni. saya bawa bihun, nak tukar nasi lemak hijau kalu ada lagi...;)

  3. Salam Ayu...I suka nasi lemak hijau ni...tapi hubby tak boleh makan selalu...cepat ngantuk....kena tunggu weekend lah!!


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