Monday, October 19, 2009

Udang Bakar

500g big prawns (cleaned)
2 tbsp parsley
3 garlics minced
2 tsp dried oregano
1 cup lemon juice(I used lime juice)
1 cup olive oil (I just estimate roughly for mine)
1 tbsp tomato sauce
1 tbsp black pepper sauce
1 tsp black pepper
salt to taste

Mix olive oil, lemon juice, dried oregano, black pepper powder, tomato sauce, black pepper sauce, salt, garlics and parsley till incorporated.
Add in prawns and let it marinated for 2 hours in the fridge. You can use the satay stick or skewer to grill for me I just bake/grill in the oven, wrapped in aluminium foil.
Sources:-From try


  1. dua tiga hari lepas ada tgk udang bkr kt mana ntah.. hari ni tgk kt umah ayu lak..hai.. takleh jadi nih..udg tu sungguh menggiurkan.. ratah 6-7 ekor pun still tak cukup tu ;)

  2. Salam kak Ayu,

    Yum,resipi baru udang bakar. Letak oregano, ala-ala western lak. hihi

    p/s: Nak rasa...

  3. sepertinya enak nih buat d coba d rumah...thanks y gan buat artikelnya


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