Friday, October 30, 2009

Vol - au -Vent With Local Flavour

How to pronounce this pastry menu anyone?...My tongue just got twisted slightly..almaklum eat too much belacanlah..hehe..but my blog speaking pulak kan..wakakaaka..

Just wanted to clear off my freezer section with this pastry puff that I bought long looong looooong time ago!!.. which was the intention of making benda alah ni lah...well hajat dah tercapai...this was how I did it..


1 packet pastry puff- store bought ones

Roll out and thawed puff pastry as according to the instructions on the packaging. Cut out circles of dough with a 7 cm round/fluted cutter. Then make enough circles with a 5cm hole cut in the middle. Pile three rings (I used 5 to get a higher wall) of dough onto a round base.
Adhere the dough with some water(I didn't do this as the moisture from the pastry itself automatically 'glued' the pastries). Egg wash the top and bake in a pre heat oven for 200C degrees for about 20 minutes or till its adequately puffed up. Stuff the filling into holes and serve.

Pile the dough rings onto the base dough
For my filling I just made this Sardine and potatoes

Ingredients For Filling:-

1-2 potatoes - (diced and fried put aside)
1 medium size sardine (310g)- discard bones and mashed it slightly and take about 2-3 tbsp of the sauce
1 tbsp garlics minced
1 large onion diced
2-5 bird eyes chillies sliced thinly or 2 red chillies
2 lime juice
some chili & tomato sauce to preference
celery & spring onions sliced thinly
salt & msg to taste

Heat oil and saute garlics, chillies and diced onions till soft.Add fried diced potatoes, mashed sardine and celery . add in salt & msg to taste, stir.  Let simmer for a while, add in lime juice and stir well. Turn off heat and ready

Sardine and Potatoes filling or your favourite fillings.

This can be done a day before and stored in an air tight container.
If desired, the Vol -au-Vent cases could be warmed in a low oven and garnished just before serving.


  1. Ayu Akak lagi la tak tau pronounce first time dengar..but the idea was great...kalau letak inti curry puff pun best kan..!!TQ for the expose...kalau tak jakun nya Akak!

  2. Wow, a French cuisine today! Okey, now I'm drooling!!! Uhhhh! ;)

    Though I just had my dinner...kekeke! ;)

    Luks so tasty n yummy! :)

  3. kak watie - boleh kak, the inti boleh apa yg akak suka..kite pun first time nampak ni..terus tueruja nak buat..

    Love - hahaha..french cuisine tapi maklayu yg buat and makan...hehe

  4. Terliur tgk pastri susah nk sebut ni.hehe... rasa cam nak buat je la... :)

  5. Rajin nyerrrrrrrrrrrrr akak...
    saya pun tak perah dengo macam Watierman


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