Monday, November 16, 2009


The bagedil for some they preferred to add minced meat in it..but for me I preferred it plain..
cause to eat this with the soto I guessed it would be too 'meaty' as the soto already used chicken...unless this bagedil were to eat with lontong kering then I dont mind..hehe

5 potatoes- cut to wedges, fried, mashed and put aside-(5 biji kentang dipotong baji, digoreng,di lenyek dan ketepikan)
1 tsp white pepper powder-(1 sudu kecil serbuk lada putih)
chinese celery and spring onions to estimate sliced thinly-(sedikit daun bawang dan sup diris)
salt and msg to taste-(garam & serbuk perasa)
fried shallots to estimate-(bawang goreng )
1 egg lightly beaten -(1 biji telur -dikocok sikit)

Add all the above except egg and mix well. Take 1/2 of the lightly beaten egg and mix into batter.When well incorporated, make small balls and flatten slightly in the middle. Dip in the balanced beaten egg and deep fried till golden brown. Ready-(Masukkan bahan2 semua kecuali telur. Ambil 1/2 dari telur yang telah dikocok tadi dan gaul rata dalam adunan kentang. Buatlah bebola kecil dan tekan sedikit ditengah supaya ia kelihatan sedikit leper. Celupkan bebola tadi dalam telur dan goreng hingga masak.)Siap

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