Monday, November 09, 2009

Kailan Goreng Ikan Masin

Vegetable dish, basically yesterday's menu was like eating at one of the stalls in JB that sells Thai menu..hehehe...this one Mr Hubby ate till almost finish!!!..I've got to stop him to leave some for time will do this again..

Bahan2 :-Ingredients:-

sayur kailan-dipotong-(kailan sliced)
1 keping ikan tenggiri masin(yang dijeruk dlm botol)-potong kecik2-( 1 piece of pickled/salted mackerel in bottle sliced thinly)
1 sd(k) air dr botol ikan masin td-( 1 tsp water from the salted fish)
1 bj bwg besar-dimayang bulat-( large onion sliced)
1 inci halia-diketuk-( 1 inch ginger crushed or sliced)
bwg putih-diketuk-(2 garlics crushed)
1 sd(b) sos tiram-( tbsp oyster sauce)
1 sd(b) sos ikan-( 1 tbsp fish sauce)
sedikit air asam limau nipis-( lime juice)
myk untuk menggoreng-(oil for frying)

Cara caranya.Method:-
Panaskan myk.tumis ikan masin tenggiri td hingga naik bau. Kemudian tumis bwg putih,bwg besar dan halia.masukan sos tiram. Masukkan sayur dan tambah air dr botol ikan masin td,masukkan sos ikan kacau rata. Masukkan sdkt air-2 sd(b).biarkan seketika. Angkat dlm pinggan tabur sdkt lada sulam dan perah air asam limau td-(Heat oil and fry salted fish till fragrant. Saute garlics,onions and ginger and add in oyster sauce. Add in kailan, fish sauce and add in the water from the salted fish from the bottle. Stir well. Add about 2 tbsp water and let it for a while. Dish out and sprinkle some pepper and lime juice)

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