Friday, November 13, 2009

Tempe Goreng Cili Api

Can be eaten with rice or for snacking....simple side dish for me today...

1 packet tempe -potong nipis-(fermented soya beans- sliced thinly)
1 genggam ikan bilis-( a handful of anchovies)
1 genggam kacang tanah-( a handful groundnut)
1 labu bawang besar-racik -( large onion sliced thinly)
1 ulas bawang putih & 1 ulas bawang merah- ditumbuk-( garlic & shallot grounded/blended)
1 sudu besar cili api tumbuk kurangkan kalau tak suka pedas-(1 tbsp bird eyes chillies can reduce if prefer not hot)
I added msg a bit

Goreng tempe, ikan bilis & kacang tanah berasingan. Goreng hingga garing. Jgn hangus. Angkat & ketepikan. Dikuali lain, tumis kesemua bawang dan cili api..masukkan sedikit garam. Masukkan kesemua tempe, ikan bilis & kacang tanah. Gaul sehingga sebati. Siap. -(Fried tempe, anchovies & groundnut separately till crispy. Dish out and put aside. In another wok saute grounded ingredients add in salt and msg. Add in tempe, anchovies and ground nut, stir till in corporated. Ready.)

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