Thursday, December 03, 2009

Asam Pedas Lada Hidup

The menu for today...for those who cant take hot, forget about this recipe..hehe...this one for those people that have a 'rubber' tongue like me..hahaha..but you still can enjoy the dish if you reduce the chili quantities to your preference...since I dont have any stock for the veggies, I cooked the stingray 'TOKTOK' like that, the only veggies inside are the laksa leaves..hehe...this asam pedas also can compete with the asam pedas melaka.. yummmyyy..


1 kg ikan (saya gunakan ikan pari) -dibersihkan dan potong ikut suka-(any kind of fish but I used stingray- wash, cleaned and cut to preference.)
15 btg lada merah-(red chillies)
10 btg cili padi kampung-(bird eyes chillies)
2 biji bawang besar-(large onions)
3 ulas bawang putih-(garlics)
1/2 inci lengkuas-(galangal)
1/2 inci kunyit hidup-(turmeric powder)
1 sudu teh lada hitam-(tsp black pepper powder)
sedikit belacan-( a bit of dried shrimp)
(Kisar semua bahan di atas ini hingga halus)-(Blend all the above)

10 btg sayur bendi (yg kecil)-(ladies fingers small ones)
1 btg terung (potong kecil)-(1 brinjal)
sedikit daun kesum-( a bit of laksa leaves)
1/2 biji bawang besar hiris-(1/2 large onion sliced thinly)
2 btg serai (dititik)-( lemon grass bruised)
2-3 mangkuk air-( bowsl of water)
secukup perahan air asam-(adequate tamarind juice)
garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)
secubit serbuk perasa atau 1/2 steh gula (optional) -(a pinch of salt or 1/2 tsp sugar-optional)
minyak secukupnya (abt 1-2 senduk)-(adequate oil for saute-1-2 ladle)

Panaskan minyak dalam periuk. Tumis bawang hiris hingga layu. Masukkan bahan kisar tadi bersama serai titik dan daun kesum. Kacau sekali sekala dan biarkan sehingga garing. Masukkan ikan bersama air, kacau dan biarkan sebentar. Kemudian masukkan terung, bendi, air asam, garam & perasa/gula. Kacau sebentar & sesuaikan rasanya-masam, masinnya. Biarkan sehingga kuah mendidih dan ikan masak. Matikan api dan bolehlah dihidangkan bersama nasi.-(Heat oil and saute sliced onions till soft. Add in blended ingredients together with bruised lemon grass and laksa leaves. Let it for a while till oil rises up the surface. Add in fishes, water and stir for a while. Add in brinjal, ladies fingers, tamarind juice, salt and msg/sugar to tase. Stir for a while and taste the sourness, sweetness. Let it simmer till fishes are cooked. Turn off heat and ready to be serve with warm rice.)

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