Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Cuti Cuti Malaysia - Perak

The main reason for this trip was for Mr Hubby's cousin's wedding in Parit Buntar, Perak.. looking at the map, it was almost end of Perak and near thats when we decided to proceed to Penang for the holidays..

See Mr Hubby's brother's car from the back?..we followed from behind..

The 'Hollywood' style billboard on the hillside along the highway stated 'IPOH'.. but we didn't stopped over at Ipoh as the wedding was further ahead..

We were served with this welcoming menu from mother of the bridegroom..before we were directed to overnight in a 'home stay' nearby...Actually Mr Hubby's uncle (bridegrooms father), already booked a 'house'(home stay) earlier.. but all just couldn't bear to tell him that we preferred the hotel.. after we were brought over to the house, we confirmed that hotel is the choice..not that we are choosy or just because some of you might think that we are from Singapore and we are not all!!!
We decided to check in a hotel nearby..Hotel was Saturday night and to our surprised, the hotel was almost fully booked considering a quite 'not so busy area'.. left with 2 rooms only!! My family of six in one room and brother in law's family of six in another.. Imagine this again..2 in 1 single bed!!!!!!well that's what the rest preferred rather then the home stay..
sabor ajeler..

Anyway, the next day we attended the wedding..quite simple, moderate yet nice wedding banquet..

Buffet setting lunch..

Bride and Bridegroom's table and guest from the bride side..

The 'bunga telur'..and some kuih muih on the entrance to the banquet..
Below are what was served as the wedding menu..

Dalca lembu

Daging Korma

Ayam Masak Sambal/Merah not sure..hehe

Air Asam

This view was on our way back from Penang..We stopped over at Gopeng R&R just to get this pomelos...well cause we didn't got the chance to stopped over at Ipoh, to go to Pomelo Paradise..Mr Hubby bought this for his office mate as souvenirs...
Wanted to to go to Kellie's Castle but we have to put that aside also...

For Nur and Mamahawa, this are for you cause tolong tengok2 kan rumah..hehe..ambiklah sorang satu ya...olih2 dari Perak ni..

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