Saturday, December 05, 2009

Nasi Uduk Betawi & Sambal Buah Keras

By the time I wrote this its already Saturday morning... this was Friday's menu..after I tried the recipe that I've got from this book on Ham Jin Peng, under the Chinese recipes, I've decided to try another one from Indonesia.. Nasi Uduk Betawi & Sambal Buah Keras. After I scrutinised the ingredients errmm it is something like Nasi Lemak Kukus.. so I proceeded..

I steamed the rice by placing banana leaves in the steamer tray...and since 7 of us in the house I doubled the portions but not for the coconut milk.. I still use that amount as it already covered the rice portions. I used 21/2 packet of thick coconut milk and added water for the balance that made 1350 ml, instead of squeezing the grated coconut myself.
With the Chef's note that this rice can be eaten with fried anchovies, groundnut, sliced cucumber and omelette, I still fried Hot n' Crispy Fried Chicken for the kids, that goes darn well with this rice! As for the sambal, instead of blanced the chillies in hot water, I fried them. the sambal definitely gave the difference in this menu...well I am quite pleased, that it finished leaving the banana leaves in the steamer!!..hehe..


2 cawan beras-( cups of rice)
625 ml cawan santan diperah daripada 2 cawan kelapa parut yang dibuang kulit ari dan 625 ml cawan air- ( 625 ml coconut milk from 2 cups of grated white coconut and 625 ml of water)
1/2 sudu teh ketumbar serbuk-( tsp coriander powder)
1/2 batang serai, dititik-( 1/2 lemon grass bruised)
1 helai daun salam-saya tak letak-(basil leaf- I didnt put)
1 helai daun pandan-(pandan leaf)
garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)

Cuci beras dan tuskan sehingga kering. Kukus selama 20 minit sehingga setengah masak. Angkat dan ketepikan. Bubuh santan, ketunbar, serai, daun salam, daun pandan dan garam didalam periuk dan masask sehingga mendidih. Masukkan nasi setengah masak dan kacau diatas api sehingga kering sedikit. Alih nasi ke dalam dulang pengukus dan kukus selama 30 minit sehingga tanak. -(Wash rice and drained. Steam rice for 20 minutes till half cook. Dish out and put aside. In a saucepan put coconut milk, lemon grass, basil leaf, pandan leaf and salt to boil. Add in half cooked rice and stir till slightly thickens/dry. Transfer rice onto steamer tray and steam for another 30 minutes till cook.)

Sambal Buah Keras:-
5 tangkai cili padi, dicelur dengan air panas selama 1 minit dan tuskan- saya tak celur saya goreng sebentar)-(5 bird eyes chillies blanched in hot water for 1 minute- I didnt do this I fried it)
2 tangkai cili merah, dicelur dengan air panas selama 1 minit.-saya tak celur saya goreng sebentar)- 2 red chillies blanched in hot water for 1 minute- I didnt do this I fried for a while)
35 g kacang tanah yang digoreng dengan minyak-( 35 g fried ground nut)
5 biji buah keras di goreng dengan 1/2 cawan minyak-(5 candlenut fried in 1/2 cup oil)
60ml air suam-( warm water)
1/2 sudu teh garam-(tsp salt)
1 sudu teh cuka-(tsp vinegar)
2 sudu teh gula pasir-(tsp sugar)

Tumbuk cili padi, cili merah, kacang tanah dan buah keras sehingga halus. Tambah air suam dan kacau rata2. Perasakan dengan garam, cuka dan gula.-(Ground bird eyes chillies, red chillies, groundnut and candle nut till fine. Add warm water and stir well. Add salt, vinegar and sugar to taste.)
Sources:- From Buku Masakan Chef Terkemuka- Zaidah Mohd Noor

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