Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Tepung Gomak

Wanted to clear off the green bean powder, which are overstock and almost expire...made this for Mr Hubby's much I wanted to clear off the green bean powder, still halved the ingredients as kids dont like those.. anyway half adunan, already can get quite a few pieces and already can be eaten for at least 4 person...

Quite caught up with the house can only update at night..or maybe the mood of blogging has slowed down????....HELP!...hehehe..actually to think again, I got to know lots of friends without going out.. by blogging. Learn new dishes and blogging. What else?Ish apa yang aku merepek ni !!!..sorry yer, my eyes is half closed and my brain telling me to stop, but my hands still wants to type.....
Ingredients A:-

200g green beans-(kacang hijau)
1 packet grated coconut (white)-(kelapa parut putih)
1/2 kg orange sugar-(gula timbang-warna oren)
300g fine sugar-(gula halus)
2 pandan leaves-(daun pandan)

Ingredients B:-
600g glutinous rice flour-(tepung pulut)
1 bowl water-(1 mangkuk air)
400g green beans flour-(tepung kacang hijau)
a pinch of salt-(garam sikit)

Method for ingredients A:-Cara utk Bahan A
Boil green beans till soft and mashed.
Orange sugar boil with 2 cups of water and strained. Pour the syrup, green beans, grated coconut, pandan leaves and salt into a wok on a medium heat.
Cook till thick and mixed well. Leave to cool.-(Rebus kacang hijau sampai empuk dan lecekkan. Didihkan 2 cawan air bersama gula timbang dan tapis. Masak air gula, kacang hijau lecek, kelapa parut, daun pandan dan garam didalam kuali dengan api sederhana. Masak hingga pekat dan gaul rata. Biarkan sejuk dan ketepikan.)

Method for ingredients B:-Cara utk Bahan B
Knead glutinous rice flour with water and salt , till form a soft dough.
Take a little dough and add in the fillings and form like a bun.
Boil water and add in the 'bun' dough in. When the dough floats meaning the kuih has already been cooked.Drained and roll onto green beans flour while doing that press slightly to flatten the kuih.Ready-( Uli tepung dengan air dan garam sehingga menjadi doh yang lembut. Ambil sedikit doh, leperkan dan isikan inti kacanh hijau dan bulat2kan. Didihkan air dan masukkan 'bun' doh itu tadi. Bila bun sudah masak ia akan timbul menandakan bun sudah masak. Angkat dan golek2kan diatas tepung kacang hijau tadi dan tekan sedikit untuk leperkannya.Teruskan sehingga habis adunan.Siap)
Sources:- From


  1. "ini cat ka kapur?" - seniman bujang lapok ;)

  2. Tercunggap-cunggap Akak berlari ke Singapore dengar ade tepung lega budak2 tu tak suka...dapat le Akak merasa banyak...!!!Ada lagi ke tak????Jangan kata dah abis....!!

  3. kucingorengemok - tepung gomak lah..haha

    wateirman - ..adalagi tepung kacang hijau tu kalau akak nak..gomaknya dah habis semalam..hahah.. itulah berlari lain kali naik plane cepat sampai!!..hehe..memang dah habis..haha


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