Thursday, January 07, 2010

Ikan Tenggiri Goreng

Saw this in Love2cook's blog quite sometimes ago...frying the fishes this way was something different from what I normally fried my fishes..

4 ketul isi Ikan Tenggiri (blocks)-( 4 pieces Spanish mackerel)
2 sb pes halia + bawang putih-(2 tbsp ginger + garlics paste)
1 sb serbuk cili-(1 tbsp chili powder)
1 sb serbuk kari ikan-(1 tbsp curry powder)
1/2 sk serbuk kunyit-(1/2 tsp turmeric powder)
garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)
1/2 sb biji jintan putih ~ disangai dan dikisar -(1/2 tbsp cumin seeds -toasted and blended- I just used the powdered ones)
1/3 sb biji lada hitam ~ disangai dan dikisar-(1/3 tbsp black peppercorn- toasted and blended-I just used the black pepper powder)
1 biji telur (yang kecik)-(1 egg- small one)
1-2 sb tepung beras-(1-2 tbsp rice flour)
daun kari-(curry leaves)
minyak masak-(oil for frying)

Bersihkan ikan, perap dgn garam sebentar untuk menghilangkan bau. Kemudian cuci dan toskan airnya. Pastikan ikan betul2 kering.
Masukkan kesemua bahan di atas (ikut turutan) kecuali minyak dan daun kari dlm sebuah mangkuk. Gaul sebati. Masukkan ikan dan biarkan perap selama 1 jam.
Panaskan minyak dlm kuali dan gorengkan ikan hingga masak. Taburkan daun kari ketika menggoreng. Dah goreng, angkat dan toskan minyak. Sedia dihidang!-(Clean fishes, marinate with salt to get rid of the smell. Wash and drained.Making sure the fish are dried. Add in all the ingredients according to the steps except the oil and curry leaves. Mix well. Add in fishes and let it stand marinated for 1 hour. Heat oil and deep fried fishes till cook. Sprinkle curry leaves while frying. After frying, dish out and drained. Ready to serve.)
Sources:-From Love2cook blog

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