Thursday, January 21, 2010

Jemput Jemput Tepung Atta

This was another snack that I made to bring over during my mum in the cousins siap ask for the recipe..hehehe..something different from my normal jemput2...the taste of the atta flour (capati flour) really brings out the taste...I even offered to the 'auntie' who was warded next to my mum..and she liked it...hahaha....Thanks Kak Palatable T&T for the nice recipe!!!..confirm memang nak kena buat lagi, cause its so easy to prepare and a nice snack for snacking, I just added 1 egg to the ingredients cause nak kasi dia lembut sikit hehe... I put up the recipe here halal ya kak..


1 cup atta (whole wheat) flour-(tepung atta- tepung capati)
1 cup wheat flour-(tepung gandum)
1 cup warm water- I used approximately 11/4 cup -( air suam)-saya gunakan dlm anggaran 11/4 cawan
2 tsp sugar-I used castor sugar-( 2 sudu kecil gula) -saya gunakan gula castor
1 tsp salt-(1 sudu teh garam)
2 tsp chili powder-(I added 1 tsp more)-(2 sudu teh serbuk cili)- saya gunakan 3 sudu teh
1 piece tofu mashed-(1 tahu lembik dilenyek)
1 big onion chopped-(1 bawang besar potong dadu)
1 tbsp oil-(1 sudu makan minyak )
coriander leaves chopped-(daun ketumbar hiris halus)
a pinch of soda bicarbonate-(secubit soda bicarbonate)
oil for frying-(minyak untuk menggoreng)
some prawns and squids- I added myself-(udang & sotong -saya tambah sendiri)
1 egg-I added myself-(1 telur- saya tambah sendiri)

In a large bowl combine flour, sugar, salt, chili powder and soda bicarbonate. Mix well. Add in coriander leaves, oil, tofu, onion(egg, prawns and squids) and water bit by bit. Blend well. Heat oil and drop a spoonful of batter, fry till golden brown. Ready to be serve with chili or tomato sauce.-(Dalam mangkuk yang besar, campurkan tepung, gula, garam serbuk cili dan soda bicarbonate. Gaul rata. Masukkan daun ketumbar, minyak, tahu lembik, bawang besar(telur, udang dan sotong) dan juga air sikit sikit. Gaul hingga sebati. Panaskan minyak dan goreng hingga kekuning-kuningan. Siap untuk dihidang dengan cili sos atau tomato sos.)


  1. Thanks Ayu sudah cuba resepi akak...bertambah sedap kerana ada tambah bahan lain...ok buat lagi ya...

  2. Wow, that looks yummy!

    How's ur mother now kak???

  3. treat & trick - thank s to you too kak..definitely will buat lagi..

    Love - Thnaks, mum macam gitu jugak ler love..makan sikiiit aje..:-(

  4. Wah, ini makanan banyak sihat. Bolehlah ana cuba ente punya masakan lah.

  5. salam ayu..wah tak pernah lagi akak tenguk cekodok guna tepung capati..bagus bagi idea cam ni..sayang ayu...muahhhh


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