Thursday, January 07, 2010

Kuih Lapis Kopi

Made this 2 days ago, as usual for Mr Hubby...gave this recipe a try...just cant decide which recipes to go with at first cause I have a few and all the ingredients varies from just using plain flour or hoen kwee flour....but since Mr Hubby who has 'tekak conventional' he preferred the normal ones ..heheh..Anyway, thank you dear owner, I cant recall where I got this from, who ever owns this please shout ya..

Yesterday, I sent my mum to the polyclinic, the doctor diagnosed that she has thyroid (grave's disease) after looking at the blood test results that they took on Monday...on top of her high blood, diabetes, high cholesterol and osteoporosis(knee)...she has been sick for the past one week now...loose about 7kg appetite to eat...the trembling of her hands can be obviously seen when she holds somethings...

Ingredients A:-
2 cawan santan-(2 cups coconut milk)
1 cawan tepung gandum-(1 cup plain flour)
1 cawan gula pasir-(1 cup granulated sugar)
2 sudu makan tepung beras-(2 tbsp rice flour)
2 sudu makan tepung kastard-( 2 tbsp custard powder)
1 sudu teh garam-(1 tsp salt)

Ingredients B:-
1 sudu teh coklat emulco-(1 tsp chocolate emulco)
1 sudu makan serbok koko-(1 tbsp cocoa powder)
1 sudu makan serbok nescafe-(1 tbsp nescafe)
1/4 cawan air suam-(1/4 cup warm water)
semua bahan dicampur rata dan tapis.-(mix all the ingredients and strained)

Ingredients C:-
1/4 cawan air suam-(1/4 cup warm water)

Gaulkan semua bahan A sehingga sebati. dan tapiskan. Bahagikan kepada dua bahagian. Masukkan bahan B kedalam satu adunan, kacau rata. Biarkan warna asal satu adunan dan campurkan bahan C kacau rata. Masukkan satu senduk adunan koko kedalam loyang dan kukus selam 5 minit. Lapiskan satu senduk adunan asal dan kukus semula selama 5 minit. Lapiskan adunan koko dan warna asal serselang seli sehingga adunan habis.-(Mix all ingredients A well and strained. Divide into 2 portions. Add in ingredients B in one portion and mix well. Let the other portions at its original colour and add in ingredients C. Add in 1 scoop of 'cocoa' portion into tray and steam for 5 minutes. Add on 1 scoop of original portion on top and steam another 5 minutes. Repeat the procedure till all the mixture finish.)
Sources:-Got this from a blog, sorry cant recall the blog's name..

Note:- Saya bubuh sedikit minyak supaya adunan tak melekat diloyang.(I steamed the kuih lapis by adding some oil into tray so as the mixture do not stick to the tray.)


  1. Salam kak ayu..
    harap mom akak cpt sembuh ye..

  2. TEruja tengok kuih lapis kopi ni. Kalau akak buat, mesti bang badang kalungkan akak medal. he he he.

  3. Salam kak Ayu,
    cantiknya...! pandai kak ayu buat. masuk list resipi nih. kiki

  4. Salam Ayu,
    Be strong, ya!
    Besar pahala dan ganjarannya menjaga orang tua...

    Take care!

  5. Salam Ayu..Akak doakan semoga Mak Ayu cepat sembuh...with care and medication taken on time...Moga Allah memudahkan segalanya buat Ayu sekeluarga....kita tak tahu masa kita nanti cam mana pulak erk!

    Dah lama akak tak melapis...the penghuni rumah not realy into it!But I like!!!

  6. mummyseri - Walkslm, seri..thank you seri insyaallahlah hendaknya..

    geraugebang - haha..kelakarlah akak ni..medal gold , silver ke bronze?..hehe

    indahouse - walkslm, mana pandainya..biasa aje tu nur..hehe
    masuk jangan tak masuk..haha

    lin - walkslm, Thanks Lin..frankly menitis airmata when i read your message..sebak sekejap..

    Watierman - Walkslm, thanks kak mudah2han mak cepat sembuh..
    the penghuni rumah ni only yg besar2 aje makan yg kecik tak pandang pun..haha..


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