Friday, January 29, 2010

Talam Keladi

First attempt to make this talam!!..forgot to steam the yam first when I mixed the below layer!!..quickly drain out the mixture and steamed it with a bit of the coconut milk in it...huhu..Always!!..always ..tersilap..knocking my head right if were to used the required tray..since I dont have one, I used a 9" tray and that was why my talam was not so 'high'..apa2 pun I like the taste...the sweetness is acceptable to me...

Some would blend the yam till fine as for me I preferred it this way...terpulanglah citarasa masing2 ya..

Ingredients:- Untuk lapisan bawah - (Below layer)
100g keladi, dipotong dadu & kukus separuh masak & lenyek2 sedikit-(100g yam, diced, steamed till 1/2 cooked and mashed abit)
300 ml santan dari 150g kelapa parut(buang kulit)-(300ml coconut milk from 150g grated white coconut)
65g tepung beras-(rice flour)
1 sudu kecil tepung gandum biasa-(1 tsp plain flour)
55 g gula pasir-(sugar)
garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)
Untuk Lapisan Atas-(Top layer)
100 ml santan dari 100g kelapa parut(buang kulit)-(100ml coconut milk from 100g grated white coconut)
garam secukup rasa -(salt to taste)
80g gula pasir-(sugar)
2 sudu besar tepung beras-(2 tbsp rice flour)
20g tepung jagung-(corn flour)
1 biji telur, dipukul sikit-(1 egg lightly beaten)
sedikit pewarna ungu-(a bit of purple or violet colouring)

Method:- Lapisan bawah
Campurkan semua adunan untuk lapisan bawah, termasuk keladi yang telah dikukus tadi. Panaskan kukusan pada api sederhana hingga air mendidih lalu letak loyang berukuran 8" bulat dan griskan dgn sedikit minyak. Tuangkan adunan lapisan bawah pada loyang tadi & kukus selama 10-15 minit.
-(Below layer) - Mix all the ingredients for below layer including steamed yam. Put steamer on a medium heat and boil water till bubbling. Placed 8" greasesd tray and pour all the below layer ingredients and steam for 10-15 minutes.)

Method:- Lapisan Atas
Dimangkuk lain, campurkan santan, garam & gula hingga sebati. Masukkan tepung beras & bahan2 lainnya. Gaul hingga sebati & tidak berbentil2-tapiskan. Tuang adunan ini keatas lapisan bawah. Tutup semula kukusan tadi & kukus lagi selama 10-15 minit atau hingga masak. Alihkan untuk disejukkan. Gunakan plastik & sapu sedikit minyak untuk memotong supaya tidak melekat.
-(Top Layer) - In another bowl, combine coconut milk, salt & sugar till incorporated. Add in rice flour and othe other ingredients. Mix well till not lumpy- strained. Pour strained mixture on below layer. Cover the steamer lid and steam again for the next 10-15 minutes or till cooked. Let it cool. Use a plastic knife which has been greased with oil to cut so that it wont be sticky.)
Sources:- From


  1. Salam Ayu...your blog title appears on mine but the n3 title lak tak ada....Akak baru ingat nak kata kat style baru ke..tak letak title ni?? try godek2 kat setting...adalah tu yang nak manja dengan Ayu..cari perhatian sikit.....heehee!
    Eh..lupa lak...nak talam keladi sepotong!

  2. Uish, I'm drooling right away kak!!! Want some plsssss ;)

  3. sedapnyer talam....

    tapi hati hati dengan talam dua muka

    he hee

  4. watierman - walkslm, aah lah kak..kemarin tak boleh post masuk gambar,,this time pulak org tak nampak what i have already updated..
    nak bermanja?..ish2x..tak ada time ler..nak ronda2 kadng2 tak ada time..

    love2cook - help yourself love..dah potong dah tu..

    indra qirana - betul tu kena hati dgn talam 2 muka ni..macam mana kita nak kenal talam yg macam tu ya?..hehe anyway 10q sudi keblog saya..

  5. Salam Kak Ayu,
    Cantiknye talam keladi akak. suke dengan kaler dia tue. TIbe tibe pulak teringat nk makan aisrim keladi.bestnye.hehehe


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