Friday, February 12, 2010

Roti Jala

Huh already saw yellow and green roti jala..I made orange pulak..haha..thought of making purple!...haha..takut nobody dares to eat..hehe..this time used the recipe from Kak Ummi..but I cant remember where I've got it from....dah check from Chik Mi, tapi not from thousand apologies from whom I took this ya..cause I really cant remember...normally if the recipe is short I would just dotted in my recipe book, for this I forgot to write the place I've got it from..Anyway thank you very much dear kind soul...for sharing this

I think I would prefer this recipe compared the ones with coconut milk..this one is light tak muak...cause after dipped in curries that are coconut milk base it just goes well...
Yes I already used the roti jala bottle for 'weaving' the net for this more messy on the kitchen stove...jangan jealous eh..hehe

300g tepung gandum
600ml air (Ayu guna 500ml air +100ml fresh milk)
1 biji telur besar +1 biji telur kecil (pukul sikit)
1 sudu kecil garam halus
1 titik pewarna kuning(saya gunakan oren)
Sedikit minyak masuk kedalam adunan(Ayu tambah)

Bancuh semua bahan dan kacau hingga benar2 sebati. Tapis campuran dan pastikan bancuhan air senang turun, tidak terlalu pekat. Panaskan non stick pan dengan api perlahan. Letak sedikit minyak, ceduk penuh bancuhan dalam acuan(agar adunan turun tak putus) Mula buat bulatan dari tepi ketengah. Bila telah lekang, bolehlah diangkat. Lipat atau gulung roti jala tadi.
Sources:-From Kak Ummi Kuatan and a kind blogger..for sharing this

Sos Salat Telur:
3 biji bawang putih
Cilibpadi ikut kepedasan
1/2 cawan cili sos
1/2 cawan tomato sos.
Kacang goreng kisar agak2

Kisar bawang putih & cili padi & masak hingga sedikit pekat. Masukkan sos cili & tomato. Gaul rata. Masukkan kacang kisar. Matikan api. Siap disiram atas salat telur rebus, timun, tomato & daun salat.

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