Thursday, February 25, 2010

Kari Daging

Curry dish for the kids.. this time use the recipe that I've got from Chef Noraini this from her blog...when I surfed the net last year, to enquire about her 'Kek Lapis Sarawak' class..well I managed to go for her class in her new baking school in Gombak...imagine pleaded to Mr Hubby to drive up from Singapore just to attend the class cause during that time not much Kek Lapis Sarawak class was organised here...hehehe..

600g daging direbus hingga empuk-(600g beef boiled till soft)
3/4 cawan serbuk rempah kari-(3/4 cup curry powder)
3 tangkai daun kari-(3 sprigs of curry leaves)
1 biji kelapa ambil 3 cawan santan pekat-(3 cups thick coconut milk)
2 biji kentang, belah 4-(2 potatoes quartered)
1/2 cawan minyak masak-(1/2 cup oil)
air secukupnya-(water to estimate)
garam dan perasa secukupnya-(salt and msg to taste)

Bahan tumis:-(Saute ingredients)
2 ulas bawang putih dihiris-(2 garlics sliced)
2 ulas bawang merah, dihiris-(2 shallots sliced)
1 inci halia, dihiris-(1 inch ginger sliced)
sedikit kulit kayu manis, bunga lawang dan buah pelaga-(cinnamon stick, star anise and cardamon)

Daging yang telah direbus dihiris nipis. Bancuh serbuk kari dengan sedikit air untuk menjadi pes. Panaskan minyak dalam periuk dan masukkan bahan tumis bersama daun kari. Biarkan hingga bawang hampir garing dan masukkan pes kari dan kacau lagi supaya pes tidak hangus. Masukkan daging dan air rebusan daging(jika ada). Masukkan santan, garam dan perisa. Biarkan kuah mendidih dengan api sederhana. Masukkan kentang dan biarkan mendidih hingga empuk. Tambah air jika pekat.-(Slice boiled beef thinly. Mix curry powder with some water to form a paste. Heat oil and add in saute ingredients together with curry leaves. Let the onions turn slightly crisp and add in curry powder paste, stir well. Add in sliced beef and some beef stock(if available). Add in coconut milk, salt and msg to taste. Let the gravy simmers using the medium heat. Add in potatoes and let it simmer again till potatoes are cooked. Add water if gravy is too thick.)
Sources:- From Noraini Zakaria

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