Thursday, March 25, 2010

Khao Nieow Moon with Sweet Mango

The mango seasons are here again..the last time I made this was last year...quite a few bloggers was curious on how was the taste..until they tried themselves then they realised the 'pleasure' of this dessert..hehe..saw at Ika Bangkok's house the other day and a few already tried this...actually wanted to make this since the mango seasons started..bought a few but I just found no time doing it until the mango turned brown..haha..

Well dont say some of you , even my mum and dad  pun tak tahu makan ni..hehe just me and Mr Hubby ler..
I post the recipe here again OK..

350g glutinous rice-(350g beras pulut)
1 can coconut milk(I used 1 packet KARA coconut milk)-(1 kotak kecil santan kara)
3/4 cup sugar-(3/4 cawan gula)
11/4 tsp salt-(11/4 sudu kecil garam)
1 tsp rice flour-(1 sudu kecil tepung beras)
4-5 screw pine leaves(pandan leaves)-(4-5 daun pandan)

Wash glutinous rice and soaked for at least 3 hours, or overnight.
Put steamer to boil at medium heat. Drained the glutinous rice and place onto cloth(I used cloth diaper) top with 2 screw pine leaf and cover. Steam for about 30-45 minutes or until glutinous rice are cooked(grains looked clear).-(Basuh beras pulut dan rendam selama 3 jam atau semalaman. Panaskan kukusan diatas api sederhana. Toskan beras pulut dan letakkan diatas kain dengan 2 helai daun pandan dan tutup kukusannya. Kukus selama 30-45 minit atau sehingga beras pulut masak.-pulut nampak clear)

Separate 3/4 cup coconut milk in a small bowl, put the remaining coconut milk in a pot, add sugar and salt and bring to boil on medium low heat.Add 2 pandan leaves in coconut milk mixture, stir frequently until sugar dissolve. Remove from heat. Put steamed glutinous rice in a pot that has cover, add coconut milk to glutinous rice, stir quickly and well. Cover it for 15 minutes.-(Asingkan 3/4 cawan santan didalam mangkuk kecil dan lebihannya masukkan kedalam periuk, gula dan garam dididihkan diatas api sederhana. Masukkan daun pandan dan kacau hingga gula larut. Angkat dari api dan masukkan pulut yang sudah dikukus tadi, gaul secepat mungkin  dan tutup selama 15 minit.)

For the balance 3/4 cups coconut milk, add rice flour and 1/4 tsp salt in it and mix well. Bring to boil on medium low heat, stir frequently until the mixture becomes thick. Remove from heat and set aside for topping.
Put glutinous rice in a plate, top with prepared coconut cream and serve with ripe mangoes.-(Santan yang 3/4 cawan tadi masukkan tepung beras dan garam dan gaul rata. Didihkan sebentar diatas api sederhana dengan selalu dikacau hingga pekat. Angkat dan ketepikan untuk disiram diatas pulut nanti. Letak pulut diatas piring dan tuangkan santan tadi dan makan dengan mangga yang sudah masak dan manis.)
Sources:- From

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