Thursday, March 11, 2010

Kuih Bakar Pisang

Made this yesterday for Mr Hubby's bentou breakfast this morning..sedap!!..never came across 'Kuih Bakar Pisang'..well thats the wonderful thing about blogging, you get the first hand in trying some of the recipes that are not available outside!!!..Got this from Cikgu Zana,.
Thank you ya Cikgu kita suka..

This morning, sent Marsya to the paedietrician, she has been unwell since Monday and has been skipping school since then..fever, coughing and wheezing..since October last year every month she would have this kind of sickness, and the doctor, suggested that she should be on the inhaler..bronchitis aka asthma..already in the family history..the earlier siblings, Hasif and Iqram got them but when they grew up it just went away...has been on sleepless nights the pass days..haizs..

1 sisir pisang masak(10-13 biji)-dilenyek kasar-(saya gunakan 6-7 sahaja)-(1 bunch of ripe bananas(10-13 pieces)- mashed coarsely-I used 6-7 pieces only)

*1 cawan tepung-(*1 cup plain flour)
*3/4 cawan gula-(saya gunakan 2/4 +1/4 cawan lagi tak penuh)boleh adjust kalau tak nak manis-(*3/4 cups sugar-I used 2/4 +1/4 (not full)cups sugar)can be adjusted if dont want too sweet.
*1 cawan santan-(* 1 cup coconut milk)
*1 cawan susu sejat/cair-(*1 cup fresh milk/evaporated milk)
*1 biji telur-(*1 egg)
*2 sudu besar butter-(* 2 tbsp butter)

Blender semua bahan*. Tuangkan adunan kedalm mangkuk berisi pisang lenyek dan digaul rata. Masukkan kedalam loyang yang telah dilenser dengan butter. Bakar 180C selama 1 jam, or lebih untuk dapatkan kerak yang hebat. Sejukkan, baru potong, masukkan kedalam peti ais lagi best.-(Blend all *ingredients. Pour mixture into mashed bananas and stir well. Pour batter into greased tray and bake at 180C for 1 hour or longer up to preference for the good crust.)


  1. saya ni kenyang dinner sat ni tp still terliur lihat kuih akak ni

  2. Salam Ayu..tak de stok pisang lah pulak!!!
    Hopefully Masha will be better with the inhaler...welcome to the club Marsha....Untie pun use inhaler jugak...Ayu nak join sama tak???Jgn mare...nanti kena jual..!

  3. fuzidss - haha..ermm kalau gitu, sedap dimakan as a dessrt lepas makan nasi..tu..hehe

    watierman - walklsm, thanks kak for the wishes..pat inhaler she ok and willing to be asapkan, tapi bila pat makan ubat, mak datuk semua kena pegang sebab dia meronta..peluh jani pun keluar bila kasi dia ni makan ubat tau..

    kita tak nak join lah kak, kita sendiri got sensitive nose, pron to beresen aje..

  4. Salam Kak Ayu, kalo makan ngan eskrem best ni....he he he..tak talah kenapa,akhir-akhir ni selalu jeeee ngndengkan kuih ngan eskrem....len kali bleh gak cuba resipi ni....

  5. sue@nenie - haha..agaknya ada lagi tak?..hihi..ngidam kot?..haha

  6. ayu...k.ct suka tau kuih atau apa lah yang melibatkan pisang ni. walau anak2 ada kurang sikit nak makan. tapi yang penting k.ct suka makan. bila dah hidang atas meja bersih juga kena makan hehehe.

  7. Hi, how would you rate this cake compared to normal banana cake? More fragrant? Texture is better?

  8. jess
    if were to compare this can't be compared to a cake..
    this more like a 'grilled pancake' …. fragrant wise banana cake is more fragrant…texture is coarser...


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