Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Nasi Lobak Merah

When the kids ate this just now..they didnt realised that there's carrot in the rice!!..hehe..they thought its the colouring which normally found in nasi beriani...padahal dah berapa banyak masuk dalam perut dia orang..haha..another indirect way to get them eat carrots right...if were to cut like we usually did, they surely 'kuti2' aside..Sedaplah  nasi ni!!..tak bedek...you can just ate it own its own tau...first the rice is not 'muak', its light and very mild flavoured...worth trying!!

Cant wait to hear Mr Hubby's comment on this rice tonight...no choice lah...I came to 'dead end' what to cook ..the kids like flavoured rice, so I hope he will like it too for this one...

1kg beras beriani-(1kg basmathi rice)
6 biji lada hijau dipecah2-(6 green chillies bruised)
1 sudu teh jintan halus-ditumbuk kasar2-(saya gunakan serbuk aje)-(1 tsp cumin, grounded coarsely, I just used powdered ones)
1 cawan minyak kacang-(1 cup cooking oil)
1 sudu besar minyak sapi-(1 tbsp ghee oil)
3 batang lobak diparut -(3 carrots shredded)
300g buah tomato dipotong halus-(300g tomatoes sliced thinly)
*6 biji bawang putih ditumbuk halus-(6 garlics minced)
*2cm halia ditumbuk halus-(2cm ginger minced)
2 biji bawang besar dihirs-(2 large onions sliced)
4cm kayu manis-(4cm cinammon bark)
3 biji buah pelaga-(3 cloves)
3 biji bunga cengkeh-(3 cardamons)

Sukat air 1, 100ml lalu ketepikan dulu. Beras dicuci lalu toskan, gaul dengan lobak parut. Panaskan minyak sapi dan minyak kacang. Tumiskan bawang besar, bahan2 tumbuk*, lada hijau dan jintan. Kacau sampai garing, lalu masukkan tomato, buah pelaga, kayu manis, bunga cengkeh dan air. Bila mendidih, masukkan beras dan garam, masaklah hingga tanak-(saya masukkan kedalam rice cooker dan masak seperti biasa).
-( Measure water at 1,100ml and put aside. Wash rice and drained. Mix with shredded carrots. Heat ghee oil and cooking oil. Saute onions and minced* ingredients, green chillies and cumin powder.Stir well till oil rises up the surface. Add in tomatoes, cloves, cinammon, cardamons and water. When boiles add in rice and salt let it till cooked-(this part I just pour into the rice cooker and cooked as normal.)
Sources:-From Aini Salim@ resipi ceria keluarga


  1. Salam kak ayu..yelahh kite firstime tgk ni pon da terpikat kt nasi ni:)..
    ye tak bedek..betol ni..

    huhu sungguh lamela kite tak dgr perkatan bedek ni kak..maklumlah lama tak jumpe kazen2 yg kat kota singe tu..

  2. he he he...budak-budak kena tipu...mak tipu anak...kak gerau pun selalu buat tipu-tipu cam tu...kekadang kantoi gak...

  3. Ayu...budak2 memang macam tu, susah nak makan sayur..kena buat macam ni...nampak sedap nasi lobak, boleh cuba nanti.....

  4. mummyseri -walkslm, hahaha..tak bedek punya ni..oh ada cousin disini ya..

    geraugebang - hahaha..betul tu..kadang2 tak lepas kan...hahaha

    treat & trick -haha betul tu kak, kalau tak semuanya di kuis ketepi..hehe..cubalah kak..

  5. good idea ni kat Ayu.. sudah pastinya saya akan cuba ni

  6. my mierza suka mkn carrot.klu masak sayur ade carrot,dia kutil2 carik carrotnye...tp anak2 yg dua org tu tak suka pula.klu dia orang makan bertiga.sume sayur campak dalam pinggan adiknyela....heheheee

  7. fuzidss - hehe..cubalah fuzidss..tapi carrot tu parut halus panjang, baru tak perasan..hehe

    fizanordin - oh ya ke?..k ayu suka budak2 makan sayur, tapi budak2 ni susah betul dia org nak makan sayur..baguslah kalau mierza suka carrot kan..


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