Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Chocolate Temptation Cake

Still  about  my birthday..haiz..wanted to upload this yesterday, but Mr Hubby was home early so cant sit in front of the computer for long...hahaha...(takut beb, sekali dia tak kasi ber blogging kang..baru padan muka..hehe)...Anyway this was my birthday cake, which I made myself  for me..hehe..

Basically I wanted to brush up my roses making using butter cream, turned out  to be 'Gedabak Roses'(bunga ros yang besar2).. with not so smooth buttercream  which  I didnt have the patience to mix a bit more longer..maklumlah..dah malam2 baru nak buat..the sound of the mixer can awaken the rest of the members who a asleep...so lebih kurang halal lah..anyway its for me, so tak apalah kan..hehe..

The taste of this cake was almost as good as the chocolate fudge cake, only that it taste better the next day when put in room temperature... moist and soft...

Ingredients A:-
20g chocolate emulco
50g cocoa powder
150g hot water

Ingredients B:-
250g butter
280g castor sugar(I used 220g)
2g salt

Ingredients C:-
240g eggs-(4 nos)

Ingredients D:-
250g superfine flour-(I used cake flour)
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp sodium bicarbonate(potash)

Chocolate Ganache:-
300g dairy whipped cream
300g cooking chocolate-(I used dark chocolate)
50g butter
50g glucose syrup

Chocolate Butter Cream:-
100g krimwell margarine
50g golden syrup
10g cocoa powder
30g hot water

Combine ingredints (A) and mix well. Beat ingredients (B) until flufy. Add ingredients (C) one at a time and mix well until smooth. Add ingreidnts (A) to the mixture, and blend to form a smooth chocolate batter. Add in sieved ingredient (D). Pour the batter into a 9" lined cake tin. Bake at 180C for 45-50 minutes until done.

Chocolate Ganache:-
Cut chocolate into small pieces, add in dairy whipping cream, glucose syrup and butter, double boil until chcocolate is dissolved, stir gently. Let it cool.

Chocolate Butter Cream:-
Dissolve the cocoa powder in hot water, beat krimwell margarine and golden syrup until light and fluffy, add in melted cocoa powder and mix well.

Cut the cake horizontally into 5 layers(me just 3) sandwich the chocolate ganache in between the cakes, and coat the top and side of cake with the chocolate ganache. Decorate with chocolate butter cream roses.
Sources:-From Wendy Kor@A Profit Making Bakery Shop


  1. ooooohhhhh..sedapnya choc cake buatan sendiri untuk birthday sendiri.. I jangkakan I pun kena bake sendiri cake for my bday nanti..ni lah kalao appoointed baker dalam family, everybody's bday inclusing yrslef kena baking sendiri.. ha ha..

  2. Hi, A very Happy Belated Bithday to you. Btw, where did you buy the krimwell ? Tks.

  3. Salam Ayu,

    Happy Belated Birthday...May you will be bless by Allah swt...

  4. Yat Maria - haha..my eldest son, cakap, 'eh eh, kesiannya mama kena buat kek sendiri..haha..tak apalah.. its the joy of making it yourself yang important..kan..

    Anonymous - Thank you dear guest, and welcome to my blog. I bought the krimwell in JB...

    Rahayu Ahmad - walkslm, Thank you ayu, for the wishes..insyaallah mudah2han ..

  5. Salam and Happy Belated Birthday ya Dik....sorry Akak must have miss the fun....makan2 kek yang sangat cantik menawan tu!!Moga dipanjangkan usia dan sentiasa berbahagia....disamping keluarga tercinta!!

  6. Salam k.ayu!
    Hepy belated birthday, semoga akak sihat2 selalu n hepy with ur beloved family...waaaa pandai akak deco kek! cantik...

  7. Watierman - walkslm, hehe..its ok kak..birthday is just like normal days..its just that got present and made cake for myself..besides going out for dinner thats all..hehe..Thank you for the wsihes kak..

    E-na Zarina - Thank you ena,for the wishes.. mudah2han insyaallah ..alah deco ingat2 lupa..hehe

  8. Salam Ayu...eh sori akak x perasan la pulak..ada entry birthday tu tak hari tuh? Anyway, Happy Belated Birthday and my best wishes for you...May Allah bless you always...Ayu, sedapnya nampak kek tuh..pandai Ayu deco..gedabak pun still gaya bunga, kalau akak terus xda gaya bunga kot..hehee, nak cikiiitt..ada lg x?

  9. Ummi - Walkslm, heheh.. memang saja letak title bukan birthday..haha..tak apa kak, its better late then never..kiki..
    alah deco simple2 boleh kak..'testing2 the water'lah katakan..hehe.. hahaha..bunga gedabak yang dah cair time tu..hehe..nak kek dah habis ler kak..tak apa tunggu tahun depan boleh?..hehe

  10. Omg bibik this looks so nice *.*

  11. Darwisyah - thank u dear..how are you dah lama tak dengar khabar..

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