Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Daging Kicap Bercili

Another version of  beef in soy sauce, but this one a bit spicy...can reduce the dried chillies if cant stand the spiciness....I would say, I preferred this then the normal beef in soy sauce..

500g daging batang pinang - di hiris-(500g sliced beef)
*15 tangkai cili kering -(*15 dried chillies)
*1/2 camca teh jintan besar -(*1/2 tsp fennel)
*1/2 camca teh jintan kecil -(*1/2 tsp cumin)
*1 camca teh lada hitam -(* 1 tsp black peper)
*1/2 inci halia -(*1/2 inch ginger)
*3 ulas bawang merah -(*3shallots)
*3 ulas bawang putih-(*3 garlics)
(*bahan2 kisar)-(*blended ingredients)
kicap pekat -(black soy sauce)
sedikit air asam jawa -(a bit of tamarind juice)
2-3 biji bawang besar dimayang -(2-3 large onions sliced)
garam & gula secukup rasa -(salt & sugar to taste)

Tumis bahan kisar sehingga naik minyak Masukkan daging . Masukkan air asam jawa, kicap, garam & gula Renihkan seketika, masukkan bawang besar .Tutup api, sedia utk dihidang -(Saute *blended ingredients, till fragrant. Add in beef. Add in tamarind juice, soy sauce, salt and sugar to taste. Let it simmer for a while. Add in sliced onions. Turn off heat and ready to serve.)
Sources:- From

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