Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sawi Jepun Goreng Kupang

Salam, on this Thursday evening, its raining out there and I can feel the thunder just outside my  very near gitu...adviced from the expert that if its thundering, dont play with the computer, but I just cant help myself from updating as this is the only time, I am free as the the 2 kids(Iqram & Marsya are taking their nap)..apa2 pun this are yesterday's menu...why dont update yesterday then?..well because was busy ler...

Anyway, this was the vegetable dish, that I saw in CMG's blog the other day, although its simple and maybe 'common' to some, but I like this kind of simple food and dishes especially when there are boiled mussels in them....believe it or not, Mr Hubby ate 3/4 of this dish cause of the freshness and it was serve yes its true what CMG  said, after cooking this best to serve immediately, baru best..

3 - 4 pokok "bok choy" atau sawi jepun
3/4 cawan isi kupang
1 biji cili merah, dihiris serong
1 biji bawang besar, hiris
2 ulas bawang putih, dihiris
1 camca besar sos tiram
Garam secukup rasa
Secubit serbuk kunyit
1/2 cawan air

Bok choy atau sawi jepun dileraikan dan rendam dalam air. Cuci bersih dan toskan. Asing batang dan daunnya, batang dihiris dan daunnya jika besar, kerat 2. Ketepikan.
Panaskan minyak dalam kuali, masukkan isi kupang bersama secubit garam dan serbuk kunyit, kacau rata dan goreng 2 minit. Masukkan bawang besar, bawang putih dan cili merah, kacau rata dan masak hingga bawang layu.
Masukkan sos tiram, kacau dan tuang air. Tambah batang sawi tadi dan masak hingga lembut. Masukkan daunnya pula, besarkan api dan kacau pantas. Tambah garam secukup rasa, gaul rata dan rasa, jika ok boleh matikan api. Hidangkan segera selagi hangat...

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